3-way switching

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You could just look them in the face and ask is this your first 3 way switch ? Let them feel stupid and leave then with directions on how to operate single pole switches and 3 ways
or change them out to Push-Button 3ways

Push-Button 3-W switches ! Brings back memories.
That is what we did at the Cianciola's estate,
Witch Duck Point, Norfolk, VA, 1959 !

Had a Ph.D. customer a while back,
who had me drawing him 3W and 4W diagrams.
Not often you find a person who can keep up with it.
And its ticking away, ticking away from me

The calendar is simply a cultural convention by which we mark days.
Time is an illusion,
You can allude to it,
but it will always elude your efforts to touch it.
Go away, take your 'time' with you, and it is gone.
Thanks much for the URL. :)
Thought I would never leave the site !
The end-fed_4W-4W-3W-3W illustration was really dizzy.
Choked on my coffee when I saw the guys swinging on the Hi-Lines !

You're welcome. Ronald has done some very nice work.

You're welcome.
Ronald has done some very nice work.

As I gander at the 4w-4w-3w-3w, the "Traveling Buss Fourway",
the thought comes to mind that this is interestingly complex,
but unnecessary.
Can you see that the circuit could be changed to a
3w-4w-4w-3w using the same cabling,
to achieve the same lighting switch control ? :confused:
Then the circuit layout would be more like a standard 3w-4w-4w-3w
with an extended run from the barn-light to the house-light.

(I admit that it would be less interesting,
and I do like interesting, complex variations
just for the mental exercise.)
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