3 way wiring by code

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19 pages !

I looked quickly..thought 11 was the end...I got to page 6 and saw it said 15.

Is the horse dead?
iwire said:

Take a walk down memory lane......that was 'special' :grin:
I'm gonna need a snack....that's no "walk down memory lane"...it's a full blown trek!

Well that was quite a read.
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ryan_618 said:
Sort of...that is why the 2005 has the change in 250.119.

Interestingly enough, the new language of 250.119 prohibits the use of a bare neutral, under any condition. :)

Please explain. 250.119 covers identification of EGCs and doesn't mention grounded conductors (neutrals).

I suppose you could reach the conclusion you did by the fact that EGCs may be bare and the neutral isn't supposed to be grounded except at the service point; but that is a long path around Robin Hood's barn to find a requirement that you can't use a bare neutral.
chevyx92 said:
Are you serious? How effective is that? What do you have a sharpie for each size wire 14, 12 ,10 etc...

Get one of those big fat markers that the framers use and cut a vee in it and you got one marker for 14 through 6. Then a couple rounds of up and down swipes while twisting the conductor and your done. Very fast and clean. Looks like it came from the factory.
roger said:
Heck no, 19 pages, click on "Last" :grin:


Wow....a trip down memory lane indeed.

Since what I said appears to be still relevant, perhaps even more relevant now, I'll repost what I said originally:

"We should keep dumbing down the NEC so it's more understandable to the next generation of students coming out of American public schools. That way, when they decide to become electricians, their self esteem won't be damaged because they can't understand a technical document."
peter d said:
"We should keep dumbing down the NEC so it's more understandable to the next generation of students coming out of American public schools. That way, when they decide to become electricians, their self esteem won't be damaged because they can't understand a technical document."

Is the NECH part of the "dumbing down"?
No, but I see the trend to include rules that protect people outside of the trade as dumbing down the NEC.

It's like this. Most states require years of OJT and schooling before you can even get a journeyman's license. There is a basic assumption that an electricians will have a certain level of basic knowledge to do their day to day tasks. (I realize this is the "ideal" and does not apply to everyone.) Included in this knowledge should be (hopefully!) the ability to identify conductors as to their purpose and voltage.
peter d said:
No, but I see the trend to include rules that protect people outside of the trade as dumbing down the NEC.

Good...because I need my NECH and I went to all private schools. :)


iwire said:
You can not use the white of a cable assembly as the return under any conditions.

Okay, I'm confused. The way I install 3/4/5 whatever switches is this. We will use a 3-way for simplicity. Okay, first box bring a 14/2 for power, then run a 14/3 to the other switch box...on the second box there will be the 14/3 from the first box, and I will install an additional 14/2 to the fixture box as the switch leg. So, I would tie the (2) white conductors together in the first box, and tie them together in the second box....Using red and black as travelers. What this gives me is a neutral (grounded conductor) available in BOTH boxes which allows the use of many new 'Smarthome' devices and the such which require a grounded conductor for the illumination circuit(s) to operate........Tell me that isn't wrong??
torcho said:
Okay, I'm confused.

Torcho, Bob and I have said that you cannot use the white wire as a return (switched) wire to the light. You are using it as a neutral and that is the way most of us wire the 3 way switch.

I thought threads over 3 months old could not be posted in????? This one was last posted 5/22/07. I was young then.:grin:
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