The way I understand it, the purpose of cable-stackers is to hold the wire(s) in the middle of the stud so that when the sheet-rock is installed it won't pinch the wire. That said, if the first level of NM cable is properly secured to the stud with staples, attaching additional cables to the initial NM cable with cable ties accomplishes the same thing as the stacker. Is it a Code violation ? That depends on your interpretation. Are you SECURING the wire to the first NM cable or are you just holding it back from the face of the stud ? In either case, once the sheet-rock goes on what's going to happen to the wires ?
If an EI fails a job for using cable ties in the manner described he should then also fail a job for using stackers (an approved method BTW) for the same reason. Just curious, if you have a 4-gang plastic box with multiple wires going to it how would you secure the wiring to the stud without using some form of cable stacker or cable tie? Don't forget, while we all want to be Code compliant in our installations we're all out there trying to make $$$ doing this. We shouldn't have to install additional lumber to secure cables.