300.3(B) exception and 300.20(B)

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Senior Member
It has always been my understanding of these two sections that, when running feeders in seprate conduits per phase (One conduit for A phase, one for B, etc.) that ANY ferrous metal in the system, including a simple locknut, negated the exception making it mandatory to put A-B-C-N in each conduit. Am having a disagreement with a co-worker regarding this, they say the locknut is not an issue. If I understand my theory correctly, these locknuts could get pretty hot under heavy loading of the service.

Am I missing or misinterpreting something?
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Am having a disagreement with a co-worker regarding this, they say the locknut is not an issue. . .
Am I missing or misinterpreting something?
Nope. If I joined you at break, I'd be solidly on your side. :thumbsup:
I believe locknuts are okay - there isn't much chance of making use of "cutting slots between the individual raceways" without locknuts holding the raceways in place.

I'll try to check the ROPs and ROCs tonight to see if the CMP has weighed in on this.
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Solution, cut steel out entirety,install non-ferrous threaded plate. This happens to be MI cable but it seems it could work with PVC conduit as well.

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