300.5 minimal coverage

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Table 300.5 in 2017 is my reference, but I have a sch 40 PVC conduit with 50A 240V circuit. Do to rock and concrete, I can only get this pipe around 10” deep under compacted fine gravel. What are my solutions to meet NEC code? Left side of table 300.5 states 2” of concrete or equivalent, what does NEC define as concrete equivalent? Would 2” of quick Crete and compacted fine gravel be acceptable equivalent?
RMC and 2” of concrete seem to be your only option.
with a 10” deep trench it doesn’t look like you will meet any other criteria.
And note 5 may come into play.
If you look at table 300.5, the 4th location down on left. Column 3, how would I be allowed to use the 4” requirement listed?
I have used both concrete and rigid conduit for shallow runs; the concrete for a generator (short run, two PVC conduits), and the rigid for a shed feeder (long run, one 1/2" rigid).

The feeder size and the run distance are the main factors. You'd have to compare material costs and labor time doing it each way to decide.
Doesn't the concrete have to be at least 12" (assuming the "extend 6 inches beyond underground installation" is a width requirement more than a length one). So 4" thick x 12" wide slab on top of that PVC raceway and then covered with 4" of dirt.
Doesn't the concrete have to be at least 12" (assuming the "extend 6 inches beyond underground installation" is a width requirement more than a length one). So 4" thick x 12" wide slab on top of that PVC raceway and then covered with 4" of dirt.

No, I think the 6" means 6" past the length of the underground run.
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