Hampton Bay Bathroom fan 249872 with wiring compartment not Accessible after installation, would this fall under 310.72(D)?
It seems like all new work residentail can lights there should be a way to acess the junction box from inside the housing of a bath fan light unit.(D) Wiring Is Accessible. Boxes and conduit bodies shall
be installed so that the conductors are accessible without
removing any fixed part of the building or structure. Work-
ing space shall be provided in accordance with 110.34.
I doubt 314.72 applies to this at all unless the equipment is over 600 volts.
314.72 is in section IV. Pull and Junction Boxes for Use on Systems over 600 Volts, Nominal.
314.29 Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Handhole Enclo-
sures to Be Accessible. Boxes, conduit bodies, and hand-
hole enclosures shall be installed so that the wiring con-
tained in them can be rendered accessible without removing
any part of the building or structure, or, in underground
circuits, without excavating sidewalks, paving, earth, or
other substance that is to be used to establish the finished
So if I have to sawzall the fan out of the ceiling to inspect the wiring connections it meets 314.72(D)? Or do you mean remove the motor from the housing?
314.29 Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Handhole Enclosures
to Be Accessible. Boxes, conduit bodies, and handhole
enclosures shall be installed so that the wiring contained
in them can be rendered accessible without removing
any part of the building or, in underground circuits, without
excavating sidewalks, paving, earth, or other substance that
is to be used to establish the finished grade.
Exception: Listed boxes and handhole enclosures shall be
permitted where covered by gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive
granulated soil if their location is effectively identified
and accessible for excavation.
Not familiar with the specific model mentioned, but if you can pull out a few screws and then drop the can to access the terminal box, NEC is satisfied. If you have to resort to a sawzall to remove the can - it is probably not considered accessible.
I never knew there was such a thing as a 2 inch can, so I guess that means I never tried to access it either.Installation instructions will tell you how to mount and like some recess cans there may be a label about only accesible from above which makes it's instalation in a accessible ceiling. Ever try to access the J box on a 2" IC can? they have a removable part similar to a remodel type recess but the initial J box is actually non accessible.
The fan you are referring to is to be installed in unfinished attic space and should be listed for such space. Installing in spaces other than is a violation of 110. 3B.
AgreedI see nothing in the instructions to back that up.
It appears to be a typical fan for use in any bathroom.
It is even better when it starts out "Do not print this page."When the metadata creeps into the data you get things like that.![]()
When the metadata creeps into the data you get things like that.![]()
And I was referring to the fact that most of what was quoted was instructions to the printer rather than anything ever intended to be part of the manual.I was referring to the misspelled words that were obviously translated wrong. The actual document didn't paste as it was laid out. That's where all the "gargoly goop" came from, when I copied and pasted it.