314.28(A)(2) does it apply when you are building a service...

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Where is the 6X rule in the NEC? If I remember correctly there are requirements for bending space at terminals but not for the individual conductors.

334.24 Bending Radius. Bends in Types NM, NMC, and NMS
cable shall be so made that the cable will not be damaged. The
radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend during or
after installation shall not be less than five times the diameter
of the cable.

I am sure there is one for conductors-- I will look
I never understood why that requirement is there. I could have a giant pull box with an entry and an exit raceway very close, but have plenty of room to do a large 180, 270, or 360 degree loop in the box, but there is no allowance for that.
I agree. They tried to make a one size fits all rule when there are cases where you can do something otherwise and still achieve same goals.

I have also had boxes with splices in it that met code dimensions, but certainly would be easier to work with if they were larger dimensions.
I am sure there is one for conductors-- I will look
There is no minimum bending radius for single conductors rated 600 volts or less in the NEC. There are rules that require a specific minimum bending space at terminations, but no rules on the actual bending radius of the conductor. There is one in 300.34 for single conductors rated over 1,000 volts.
What would "qualify" it as a "pull box" in your opinion? Is it a matter of whether it takes a serious pulling effort, to install the wires? I could understand 314.28 not being a serious concern, where none of the raceways go any further than a nipple, because it is just local wiring among equipment in the same group.
I agree that the wireway is not being used as a pull box. 376.23(B) only requires wireways that are being used as a pull box to comply with the requirements of 314.28.
There is no minimum bending radius for single conductors rated 600 volts or less in the NEC. There are rules that require a specific minimum bending space at terminations, but no rules on the actual bending radius of the conductor. There is one in 300.34 for single conductors rated over 1,000 volts.

Thanks Don that's exactly what I remember. For 600 volt conductors there is no need to wrry about putting a bend in the wire. Just think of a device jammed into a small box those conductor are typically folded over 180°.
not the point Den

it's listed for 350kcmil

why doesn't bending space apply?

If the equipment is listed for 350 and you are using a factory KO, the bending space meets the requirement. The listing standard requires the same bending space at termination as does the NEC. If you are making a field KO, all bets are off. Also, I believe that if the equipment used a lay-in type of lug, the required bending space is reduced.
I see 3--- 2.5" entries on the bottom

14-5/8 In Overall Height, 11 In Overall Width, 4-1/8 In Overall Length are the dimensions

314.28 A (2) would be 2.5 x 6= 15"

Meter socket isn't a "pull box". You are typically landing conductors inside, and with lay in lugs the minimum required space at the terminals can be pretty short distance. Can still be fun to land 350's in something like this and be about impossible if you don't use the factory hub opening or bottom center KO.
There is no bending space requirement in 314.28. The only bending space requirement is for terminations and is found in 312.6.


314.28 sizes the enclosure, 334.24 is a romex article that does not apply to the OP

however 312.6 B 2 ex2 speaks to the OP >>>
Exception No. 2: A conductor not larger than 350 kcmil shall be
permitted to enter or leave an enclosure containing only a meter
through the wall opposite its terminal, provided the distance
between the terminal and the opposite wall is not less than that specified
in Table 312.6(A) and the terminal is a lay-in type, where the terminal
is either of the following:
(a) Directed toward the opening in the enclosure and within a
45 degree angle of directly facing the enclosure wall
(b) Directly facing the enclosure wall and offset not greater than
50 percent of the bending space specified in Table 312.6(A)

thank you Don... (y)

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