The use of these I had was repairing or reinforcing jackets on cables which are exposed and not buried to protect from the UV exposure also. The UV rating is a concern due to the fact I do not know how long they will resist sunlight. I did not go into detail on the UL rating and actually went to the vendors said I need this for this and this is what we came up with. Only when preparing a safety audit for presentation to my companies safety and engineering department did I research all items in use. I can not say it wont work for 20 years but I cant say it will based on the technical dept. of the manufacturer saying it has worked for 20 years. It is simply a major waste of company resources by me. With the stock I have left I can use it on our MSHA sites and store it in controlled conditions underground. By reading the poats on the forums I have learned a lot quickly and this is one of those instances. So thanks to all.