4 Pole Breaker??

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Senior Member
Looked inside the door of a panel for a residential service yesterday (not doing any work there, it was an open house). The main breaker across the top looked like it was a 4 pole breaker - 4 handles with a handle tie.

My question is why? Otherwise, the panel looked like a standard panel. I think it had about 30 spaces.

I would assume it was a single phase service, so the only thing I could think of was that it was a split bus panel. But I don't see any reason they would of used a split bus panel. The house was about 15 years old.
The older Siemens, Goulds, ITE Panels had what appeared to be a 2 pole 100 amp breaker on each buss. Therefore the Handle tie and the 4 pole breaker. This was listed equipment.
Sounds strange. I'll have to slip into Lowes when I get a chance and see if I can find one of these - just out of curiosity. I've seen some other breakers like these.

Just looking at the handle (without taking the cover off) I would expect to find 4 lugs on the top and 4 on the bottom. It looks like they would be 2 breakers in parallel. And looking at 240.8, it sounds like that's what they are.

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