Another thought back to the topic in the OP: Perhaps we should differentiate between the panelboard and the breaker. Take loadcenters and smaller panelboards where they will only take a given line of breakers and the 240V and 480 lines are not interchangeable. For example square D QO vs NF (EDB breakers), siemens Q vs BQD, GE 1" vs TEY......So even if the panelboard was ok with 480, the breaker wouldnt be. But many I-line breakers can and are used for both 240 and 480 systems. I am not sure if there is anything different about the panelboard itself for 240 vs 480. The dataplate would say a voltage, but that could just reflect what you said when you ordered it with the guts being the same either way. Other larger framed breakers are often the same in that you use it on both 208 and 480 systems, so the mounting is the same. Are the panelboard guts any different? I would take a WAG and say no, as they want to keep their component inventory as simple and universal as possible.