4th year apprentice

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Senior Member
i work with a 4th year apprentice that thinks he knows everything. says hes not a helper or apprentice so he doesnt take orders from me. claims hes the fastest and the biggest money maker in the shop. hes tough to work with and second guesses everything i say or do. anyone have any experience with this and is this common? ive tried telling him the rolls of an apprentice no matter how many years they been doing it or how close until they get there license. its like talking to a brick wall and i dont know what to do anymore
Send him home or back to the office, are you running the job or not?

There was a time I would have said a simple fast hard shot to the head was effective but that was a long time ago.
If you are stuck with him, provide him with directions as to how the work will be performed. After that, ignore him.
If it becomes an issue after that, you have a choice.
Live with it
tell your boss that you will not let this guy ruin your day/life.
electricalperson said:
is it common for 4th year apprentices to become know it alls? i dont think i was ever like that
Me neither. I became a know-it-all in my second year.

What's interesting is that, as time goes by, I know less and less.
Give him an inch of rope, and he'll take a mile to hang himself. I've seen this proven time and time again for the type that you speak of (and not just in the electrical field.)
LarryFine said:
Me neither. I became a know-it-all in my second year.

What's interesting is that, as time goes by, I know less and less.

Excuse me, that'd be One knows more about less ... Enjoy your weekend !

Your not on the Job for his persuits your there to complete a mission, is he in the game or not ? Did you ask him ?

Sometimes, One might just sound sour to their ears! I've seen and experienced it before, thats when I'll totally stop to review the process then ask what they have to contribute!

I'll work with anyone that will work, I'm sorry that thier Story got in the way of Good Day.
peter d said:
To keep things interesting....not that Cadpoint's posts are not interesting. ;)
Jude, you need to change your signature:

'Most abused member and proud of it.':grin:
The shop i work for has a 6- year apprentice running a job and i'll be but he knows more than all of my 17 years in tne trade even though i still learn something new everday. But yes it does get frustrating dealing with people like him.
Texhunter7 said:
The shop i work for has a 6- year apprentice running a job and i'll be but he knows more than all of my 17 years in tne trade even though i still learn something new everday. But yes it does get frustrating dealing with people like him.

It seems like it would be a difficult thing to become a 6 year apprentice.
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