5 and 6 gang boxes

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Those photo's that Larry posted are of what we would call a rough house box. I believe they come up to a 10 gang but usually cost about $10/gang. We use them all of the time in commercial work where designers love to gang a load of switches together in one location.
Spend the few extra $$$ and go with the one piece box.Believe me I have had my share of the gangables come apart after the install.Besides the one piece give you allot of room for make up.

On a side note after a 6 gang the cover plate costs an unreal amount of money.
celtic said:
If the screws are made up reasonablly tight, they won't come apart...you get some knuckle dragger on those little screws and they strip and can seperate - BUT...if you use 2 of the side mounts at either end, attached to the studs, it will be a nice secure, properly seated box.

It's for this reason that G-d invented Lok-Tite.
Dennis Alwon said:
Paul, once i get over a 4 gand I stack my switches because it gets to difficult to remember what switch does what-- so for a 6 gang I will stack two 3-gang boxes. By the way once you get over a 6 gang the plates have to be custom made and cost somewhere around $40 or so for a plastic plate.

I agree, sort of. I almost never will go more than a 3 gang. I use 2, 2 gangs side by side instead of a 4 gang often. With a 4 gang, I usually cant remember what switch goes to what, and I'll be the one deciding. The spacing needs to be right, though. Too close or too far apart makes them look like a mistake IMO. Very subjective, can't qualify that statement, though.
tallgirl said:
It's for this reason that G-d invented Lok-Tite.
I dunno what you folks South of the border do with Lok-Tite, be we Northerns use it on fish tanks:

You been sampling the home-brew a bit too much?
Thanks for the replies. The picture Larry posted looked like it said Raco, so I went back to their site and found it. Somehow I didn't see these multigang boxes the first time. None of my suppliers have any, but I also haven't been able to find 2x3 gangables that would work on their web sites. They seem to only carry boxes with ears.
paul32 said:
Thanks for the replies. The picture Larry posted looked like it said Raco, so I went back to their site and found it. Somehow I didn't see these multigang boxes the first time.
I didn't see it either (and I looked at that pdf!) until Larry drew a roadmap - Thanks Larry

paul32 said:
None of my suppliers have any, but I also haven't been able to find 2x3 gangables that would work on their web sites. They seem to only carry boxes with ears.
This box from Dennis:
Dennis Alwon said:
*should* be available at ANY supply house..if not, try a big box store or even a hardware store. It is a very common and standard item ~ a "gem" box.
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