518-4-C Assembly

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Buck Parrish

Senior Member
So if most sheetrock is 15 minute rated fire protection.

Then is it okay to run PVC. Am I right, or am I missing something?
Were going to use mc cable in most areas. But I have a long run to the hvac systems where I would like to run pvc right across the chapels cieling joices. Then it will be sheet rocked and concealed.
So if most sheetrock is 15 minute rated fire protection.

Then is it okay to run PVC. Am I right, or am I missing something?
Were going to use mc cable in most areas. But I have a long run to the hvac systems where I would like to run pvc right across the chapels cieling joices. Then it will be sheet rocked and concealed.

i've seen an awful lot of ENT ran most everywhere it's covered up.... check with your local codes,
but i think you would be good with this.... a note... if it's a really long run, and you are pulling with
string, use metal 90's. i've seen 115# greenlee pull string saw thru pvc 90's quite nicely.
This is one that I would definitely check with your AHJ... some see an attic space as concealed others do not.

The electrical nonmetallic tubing or rigid nonmetallic
conduit is installed concealed within walls, floors,
and ceilings where the walls, floors, and ceilings
provide a thermal barrier of material that has at least
a 15-minute finish rating as identified in listings of
fire-rated assemblies.

Concealed. Rendered inaccessible by the structure or finish
of the building. Wires in concealed raceways are considered
concealed, even though they may become accessible
by withdrawing them.

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