6 disconnects on building, need another

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But there is no rule that says you can't tap that one service entrance conductor set to create more service entrance conductor sets.
How do you comply with only supplying only one set, if you are creating additional sets?

I will concede that exception 1 may allow this, need to chew on it a little longer before I am completely on board with that though.
Now read 230.40.

One service drop or lateral can not feed seven sets of service entrance conductors, as a general rule.

A meter doesn't determine what is service conductors, in fact if there were one main disconnect and a bank of 30 meters, none of those meters would be connected to service conductors. POCO may call each one a service for billing purposes, but is not a service to the NEC.
There is no limit on the number of sets of service conductors that can be supplied by a single service. See Ex#1. Each occupancy (each meter) has its own set of service entrance conductors.
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