80 amp residential E.V.

Concerned with effects the load it might have on the transformer serving the residence.
It’s in a subdivision. I don’t know how many other homes are being supplied by the transformer or the size of it.
The house itself has a 320A service.
In theory the SuperSized EVSE won't dump 100A on the transformer in one shot.
If it's at all smart it will modulate the Control Pilot signal, and ramp the allowable amps from 6kW up to 19,200kW over a minute or so.
I'd be more concerned that today's EVSE works OK with this setup, but some future EVSE will draw power on a different curve, long after everyone's forgotten that this thing is hooked to so large a firehose.
I've looked at AC condenser inrush also, and those things are starting super soft and drawing nowhere near their namepate. As @tallgirl said resistance water heaters are the ones to watch.
Around here, 15’s are the norm for a single house.
We would melt that down in the winter easily in houses around here! Two heat pumps with 9 or 10 kW strip heat.... And then dry clothes or heat water too... Dominion (as Vepco) led the whole house electric era starting in the late 60s.
We would melt that down in the winter easily in houses around here! Two heat pumps with 9 or 10 kW strip heat.... And then dry clothes or heat water too... Dominion (as Vepco) led the whole house electric era starting in the late 60s.
I changed a 400 amp service to 1200 amp, EMC was feeding the 400 with 4/0 aluminum underground. Talked the engineer into running at least three 350’s for the new service, but they didn’t change the transformer, gas heat, summer came, transformer popped its top! LOL!
We would melt that down in the winter easily in houses around here! Two heat pumps with 9 or 10 kW strip heat.... And then dry clothes or heat water too... Dominion (as Vepco) led the whole house electric era starting in the late 60s.
Our area REA's were pushing it in early 60's (Western IL )
In theory the SuperSized EVSE won't dump 100A on the transformer in one shot.
If it's at all smart it will modulate the Control Pilot signal, and ramp the allowable amps from 6kW up to 19,200kW over a minute or so.
I'd be more concerned that today's EVSE works OK with this setup, but some future EVSE will draw power on a different curve, long after everyone's forgotten that this thing is hooked to so large a firehose.
I've looked at AC condenser inrush also, and those things are starting super soft and drawing nowhere near their namepate. As @tallgirl said resistance water heaters are the ones to watch.
Throughout the charging cycle will it maintain it’s maximum 19.2 KW input or does it “cycle” intermittently and consume less KW for a period?
Throughout the charging cycle will it maintain it’s maximum 19.2 KW input or does it “cycle” intermittently and consume less KW for a period?

The charge current is set by the vehicle up to the limit imposed by the EVSE. I can maintain the maximum rate for as long as it’s charging which can be more than 3 hours, depending on the battery size and state of charge. There is no cycling during normal operation.
Being in a subdivision I would suspect there could be as many as 4 houses on the one transformer.

I would be less concerned if it was a single feed residence and I could see at least a 25KW xmfr sitting there.
There are 10 houses connected to the 50 kVA on the pole in front of my house.
EVSE equipment is be installed in my area with an EMS to help manage the load on borderline services so an upgrade is not needed.

Here is an example...

But, the Utility is not happy around here with all the added load from EV Charging...transformers are stressed
One of my customers put in a state of the art glass tempering furnace, the pencil pushers at the EMC tried to talk him out of it, wanting him to sub it out. He’s apparently making lots of money off it. It idles at 250 kw,
I remember there were even plaques for all-electric homes.
I remember when we built a new house in 1968 all the houses on the block had lighted house numbers with a little medallion on them which proclaimed the house was all-electric.