80 amp residential E.V.


Senior Member
United States
Concerned with effects the load it might have on the transformer serving the residence.
It’s in a subdivision. I don’t know how many other homes are being supplied by the transformer or the size of it.
The house itself has a 320A service.
In theory the SuperSized EVSE won't dump 100A on the transformer in one shot.
If it's at all smart it will modulate the Control Pilot signal, and ramp the allowable amps from 6kW up to 19,200kW over a minute or so.
I'd be more concerned that today's EVSE works OK with this setup, but some future EVSE will draw power on a different curve, long after everyone's forgotten that this thing is hooked to so large a firehose.
I've looked at AC condenser inrush also, and those things are starting super soft and drawing nowhere near their namepate. As @tallgirl said resistance water heaters are the ones to watch.