83%percent rule for multi family dwellings

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Never mind I am in section that only applies to single family dwelling unit. Haven't checked calculations yet against the proper section.....
Ok, what I am now seeing is the question (and answer) is missing some things that are required to use the optional calculation.

220.84(A) (1) and (3) says some the conditions to be met to use that optional method is each unit must have electric cooking equipment, electric heating, air conditioning or both. The question does not include any of those items, yet you must have all of them to be able to use the optional calculation, therefore insufficient information to even answer the question.
I believe I found the confusion. They used this table of demand factors and for some reason in my head I was still stuck on table 220.42 demand factors.

Yes, they want you to use 220.84

I assume for the the table 220.42 demand factors for dwelling units are single family dwelling only and am suppose to use table 220.84 for multi family dwelling demand factors.

The 220.42 demand factors can be applied to single or multiple dwelling units. The 220.84 Optional Method is for multiple dwelling units only.
Thanks I appreciate the help from everyone. I’m an apprentice started in 2016 in the industrial setting mostly natural gas, compressor stations and ect, but also got the chances and opportunity’s to work on some small commercial jobs and resi. Which I love! And am taking my journeyman test next Tuesday, and have been studying last few months. Appreciate all the help! Godbless . I’m sure you’ll hear from me some more for the fact I love to figure things out and not left wondering lol
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