These breakers are designed around panelboard applications, not industrial control panels. many panel board manufacturers have gone to flexible bus bar for some of the larger conductors as it deals quite nicely with several different issues. I have considered it, but the flexible bus bars are quite pricey for us, probably due to the limited volume as much as anything else. panelboard manufacturers can also use back connections and other techniques that simpllfy their wiring that are not readily available to me.
I forgot about going rear connected which is another option. As I recall the breakers are mounted on a panel using a cutout pattern as provided the breaker manufacturer that provides provisions for the rear connectors. You the you would make you connects on the backside of the panel which would require rear access. I can't recall selling a boat load of rear connectors which would could make rear connectors on the expensive side. As such it we could require a cost analysis. I know that they a commonly available for 150AFs and above.But in these competitive days one must try to find better ways to skin a cat in order to keep costs down to stay competitive.