A moment of your time please

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Thanks for reading.

I have made many fine friends in my time here. Very diverse as are my friends in the field. What happened on Sunday has been really bothering me. A fine and generous man who has sent 08 code books to 2 of our members in need was shreaded.

Please just remember that there is a place for all here. We come here to meet different people with different opinions. Thats all.

I personally do not know what you are refering to. However, in general, whatever it is do not let it bother you, life is too short to worry about everything. We can only control what we can do in life. I hope you will feel better with no time. Take care.
chris kennedy said:
I have made many fine friends in my time here. Very diverse as are my friends in the field. What happened on Sunday has been really bothering me. A fine and generous man who has sent 08 code books to 2 of our members in need was shreaded.

Please just remember that there is a place for all here. We come here to meet different people with different opinions. Thats all.


Chris, Of course I agree with you. Fortunately that thread was closed and seems to be unavailable even in the archives.

I also find it disheartening the way members of this forum can be so friendly, intelligent, and fun and at the same time gang up on an individual in a very harsh manner. I hope we have all learned from that experience.
You cannot be thin skinned in this forum

You cannot be thin skinned in this forum

Even a cow has tooth scars in his hide from this forum. We are all here to learn from others. Electricians are known to be missing the polite gene from thier dna makeup so dont let it get to you. Every dog has his day.
Anyone that makes a controversial statement on an open forum should know that there will be others that feel differently .... and are going to say so.
quogueelectric said:
Even a cow has tooth scars in his hide from this forum. We are all here to learn from others. Electricians are known to be missing the polite gene from thier dna makeup so dont let it get to you. Every dog has his day.
A very wise statement my friend. I learn from all here. A man that steps up to the plate and gets books to those in need has a special place here and should be treated with due respect.

I stayed out of that but felt I had to say something. I feel it would a great injustice to lose a member.

Let this die now.

Thanks for hearing this!:smile:
I've got a fresh unused 05 code book...

I've got a fresh unused 05 code book...

If anybody else is in need out there.... just pay the shipping, its yours!
stevenj76 said:
If anybody else is in need out there.... just pay the shipping, its yours!
Well done my friend!:grin: Picking up where others have left off.(or been run off)
We electricians can be a contrary lot. One of the things I truelly enjoy about this forum is that the gentleman who passionately disagrees with me today may very well just as passionately agree with me tomorrow. I try to learn from them all. I know that most folks here are very similar to me in the fact that we have not come to most of our opinions lightly. When someone does disagree with my opinion I may respond fairly quickly because I can be as contrary of an SOB as the next guy, but I will probably think about it for weeks or months. And I have changed my opinion after months of thinking about things. I have never been deliberatly mean spirited here nor has anyone been mean spirited towards me. I would hope that we all can defend our opinions with a certain amount of gusto while realizing that they are only opinions and that the intellegent person Always reserves the right to change his.:smile:
A contrary lot

A contrary lot

iaov said:
I would hope that we all can defend our opinions with a certain amount of gusto while realizing that they are only opinions and that the intellegent person Always reserves the right to change his.:smile:
Enough said George. Well done my cabin bound friend!:smile:

Say Hi to your charming wife.
interesting I am clueless here but like other would say you can not take things personally here..I would hate to see anyone who can offer useful knowledge leave because of some mean spirited bantering..I am checking the chain mail as soon as I am done..amazing stuff with all the sharks in the water..all the biting and no bleeding..
The thing I find interesting is this all started over something not even remotely about the NEC or the trade in general.

One person decided to express their personal belief of conduct to the rest of us. That was their choice to do so but in doing so set themselves up for a lot negative comments.

I will also point out that I did not see any of it that was personal flaming, it was all about the issue, not the individual.

Now that said.....

This is why we don't talk politics, religion, union vs merit shop etc.

One very small post by someone who was certainly not trying to start anything resulted in a big ruckus.
iwire said:
The thing I find interesting is this all started over something not even remotely about the NEC or the trade in general.

One person decided to express their personal belief of conduct to the rest of us. That was their choice to do so but in doing so set themselves up for a lot negative comments.

I will also point out that I did not see any of it that was personal flaming, it was all about the issue, not the individual.

Now that said.....

This is why we don't talk politics, religion, union vs merit shop etc.

One very small post by someone who was certainly not trying to start anything resulted in a big ruckus.
I agree!... Lesson learned! Leave a PM as a PM... Now it's time to lock up this topic! Let's move on....
captaincrab55 said:
I agree!... Lesson learned! Leave a PM as a PM... Now it's time to lock up this topic! Let's move on....

I don't agree. Exactly what lesson has been learned?

Is it that someone should feel free to harass or threaten another in a PM ? Safe in the comfort of knowing his actions won't be seen by anyone else?

Offensive behavior is just that. Offensive. The appropriate course of action when one offends another is to apologize... Not send escalated offensive stuff in a PM. Alternatively, he could've apologized in a PM.. How differently would that have turned out?

Was the lesson learned that it is appropriate to condemn the receiver for making the offensive PM public?.... Well that's just wrong.... The sending of that PM was harassing, if not threatening. The sender needed to be exposed.

I also got a PM laced with "funny" horse references, inferring I had no sense of humor... for my part in defending the receiver of the PM.

So before we brush this whole thing under the rug, I invite you to tell us exactly what lessons have been learned by whom.
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Here is a great quote that I have told to many people many times, It seems that people here could think about it. When I was in The USAF it served me well, I don't know who it is from but here goes.

"The power people have to annoy you, is the power you give them to annoy you."

I have taught my three boys this and there really is great power in knowing that.
realolman said:
Is it that someone should feel free to harass or threaten another in a PM ? Safe in the comfort of knowing his actions won't be seen by anyone else?

It should be noted that if you receive a PM that you find wildly inappropriate, you can forward it to a moderator if you feel it necessary.

PMs have contributed to certain members being banned in the past.

I'm not saying someone complaining to the moderators will result in a ban, I'm just saying that we are here and can be involved if needed. It's really not appropriate to post the PM publicly.

We can't read anyone else's PM's, but if someone comes forward with something we can try to resolve it without a lot of fireworks, such as we had this weekend.

realolman said:
Offensive behavior is just that. Offensive. The appropriate course of action when one offends another is to apologize... Not send escalated offensive stuff in a PM. Alternatively, he could've apologized in a PM.. How differently would that have turned out?
If I recall correctly, the sender claimed that he submitted an apology for the PM, privately.
this whole escapade has escalated to absurd proportions....no matter what you do in this world, you will offend someone (whether intentionally or not)...should you run around just apologizing to everyone? or maybe not do anything, for fear that it may offend someone....I happen to agree with george regarding the PM's and the mods...and if you feel threatened by something written on a computer, buy someone hundreds or thousands of miles away, there is a big problem.
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