A New Code Forum

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north star

Senior Member
inside Area 51

Fellow Mike Holt Forum ( NEC Thread ) Posters,

As many of you may already know, ICC has created and initiated a 'new' Bulletin Board for use. It was initiated starting yesterday ( Oct. 19, 2009 ).

The regular vistors to the old Bulletin Board may have noticed that the 'new' forum requires that the visitor be a paid member to be able to log in to their web site.

Many of the forum visitors have tried and tried to log in and found the 'new' site to be harder to navigate, ...a lot, if not all, of the archived posts are gone or otherwise not available, ...less user friendly and generally a "pain in the neck" to navigate around.

For this reason and many more, a lot of the previous visitors and members of the ICC Bulletin Board have decided to migrate to a more user friendly and free forum. This 'new' forum is currently being financed and managed by a "PREVIOUS", regular ICC forum member ( ' jar546 ' ).

Out of respect to the regular visitors to this thread and to the Mike Holt Forum and web site, I cannot provided the web site of the 'new' code forum. Many of you may already know its web address and ' jar546 ' individually.

If you want to find out the address or want more information, send me a PM and I will give you what information I have. I have migrated over to the 'new' code forum myself. This 'new' code forum is formatted similar to the old ICC forum and has some improvements as well. It DOES cover all of the construction codes, as well as, other aspects too! All disciplines are welcome to visit and provide input.

Stepping down off of the soapbox now... Thanks !! :)

I would be interested in a link to that site. I was a member there. Just looked at the new page but did not try to log in. That place needed a face lift. Also the slowest code forum I have ever been a member of. 2 post a week won't cut it. I know a few guys from here that were/are members, for the rest of you jar546 is this guy.
The regular vistors to the old Bulletin Board may have noticed that the 'new' forum requires that the visitor be a paid member to be able to log in to their web site.

Someone sign me up! 9 out of 10 times, I can kill a thread... No problem...

No Mod or Back Screen required!!! :)
Since this isn't exactly what I would call on topic, and someone is accusing Cadpoint of making sense, I think I better close this before things get out of hand. ;)
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