AARP crowd

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Hitting 60 this year and have been getting AARP magazine for a few years now. I like it. I haven't signed up for any of their other offers.

Dang cold medicine lasts 5 hrs then my eyes open. To dang early, even for an OF (Old Fellow). Slept better when I was a young 45.
I'm 55 and I won't join AARP. It's a political lobbying outfit that, if given their way, would bankrupt their own grandkids IMHO. I know talking politics is frowned on in this forum so my oppologies for that.

Put my vote on this I trashed the invite. I have worked in the AARP headquarters and talk about FANCY....They spend the members money well (NOT). Besides selling our children down the river.
my wife gets then AARP stuff allot but none for me I hope they think I dead..some days I feel that way at the end of it..but I have not found my name in the obituary column yet..:grin: :D I shall not retire just change my toy selection..
Give it a shot.

At worst you'll wind up like me....57 years old with arthritic fingers and knees.

But....I wouldn't do anything else (for a living I mean).:smile:


I probably need to sign up for AARP.....I just answered the previous post about career change.
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Looking to make a carreer change and am not sure what my next career move should be. Any Suggestions?
Have you considered Cattle Rustling? :grin:
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