Abandoning nipple

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If that were the case, I would agree. If that is not the case, the point is moot IMO.

My point is this bonding wire likely doesn't present any significant problem, whether it is code compliant or not. If the nipple is difficult to remove, I think it would be better to leave the bonding jumper than to remove it, just make sure it lands on the EGC and not the neutral bus in the subpanel.
Why is that an issue? All that matters is that the hole be plugged, does not even have to be a "KO seal", just something substantially equivalent to the enclosure.
Is that right? That's nice to hear :)

I get confused as to what needs to be listed for that particular use and what the manufacturer will allow to be used and all that crap :lol:
Is that right? That's nice to hear :)

I get confused as to what needs to be listed for that particular use and what the manufacturer will allow to be used and all that crap :lol:


(A) Unused Openings. Unused openings, other than those intended for the operation of equipment, those intended for mounting purposes, or those permitted as part of the design for listed equipment, shall be closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment. Where metallic plugs or plates are used with nonmetallic enclosures, they shall be recessed at least 6 mm (? in.) from the outer surface of the enclosure

Nothing in there says what you use has to be listed.
Let's be clear that the ko seal would be okay providing it is not above the live parts of the panel. I assume it is not since it is coming from the meter can.
Let's be clear that the ko seal would be okay providing it is not above the live parts of the panel. I assume it is not since it is coming from the meter can.

Being an indoor panel located indoors I don't think that matters in this case. Outdoors, if the seal is above live parts then it better be a seal that not only fills the hole but also seals against entry of water, but again there is no listing requirement for the sealing plug, just needs to provide "protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment".
Being an indoor panel located indoors I don't think that matters in this case. Outdoors, if the seal is above live parts then it better be a seal that not only fills the hole but also seals against entry of water, but again there is no listing requirement for the sealing plug, just needs to provide "protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment".
Of course you don't need it in the indoor panel. I was talking about the meter. I would not want a ko seal as the only method to prevent water from entering the enclosure.

There may not be a listing requirement but there is a requirement to prevent the entry of water-- 312.2.
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