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Age Old Quest.

Age Old Quest.

Dear Mike,
Love your website and everything on it.

PLEASE answer an age old question for me, once and for all?
When talking about the word: "CIRCUIT" in Electrical, WHY do most people use the abbreviation:


What is the origin of this seemingly WRONG abbreviation? There is not a "K" in the word. I just ran a crossed it in some CONTINUING EDUCATION that I just completed, it was ADVANCED LIGHTING CONTROLS. The "CKT" was referenced on a relay panel schedule. Is it Military? Government? It has always seemed very wrong to me? Hopefully you can give the ultimate ruling on this?

Anyone Else care to weigh in?

Thanks for all that you do,

Tom Nugent
30YR. JW

The origin of 'CKT' is from Mil-STD-12 Standard Abbreviations for use on Drawings, radio equipment designations and Specifications. I used the Standard back in 1955 for upgrading electrical and electronic equipment installations of both Army-Navy shipboard and land facilities. I believe the Standard was S/S (superseded) by ASME Y14 38M in 1998.

Some familiar uses for X.... XMTR, XFR, XHAIR, XING, XHVY, XSTR may be recognizable to older electrical types that may still be able to remember what they meant. Gnd rod
Some familiar uses for X.... XMTR, XFR, XHAIR, XING, XHVY, XSTR may be recognizable to older electrical types that may still be able to remember what they meant.
I don't know what this says about me, but I recognize all six of those abbreviations. :roll:
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