Adding a transformer to get a neutral

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I am not an electrician, so be gentle and I did look through other posts before adding this. My electrician (friend) assisted me in changing my current setup. I had 3 wire 3 phase (set up with two 120 volt legs and a 208 volt stinger), that went directly to my water well switch. There was never a neutral delivered from the utility to the meter. We re-routed from the meter and placed a 200 amp 3 phase panel and then added the water well switch past the breaker panel. What do I need in order to get a neutral. I understand that a transformer could be added to create my neutral for the breaker panel, but I don't know what I should be looking for product wise. My goal is to add a VFD constant pressure system, a couple of 120 volt outlets and a 120 outdoor lighting, which is why I am after the neutral for the breaker panel.
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