Adding Neutral/ground bars

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"250.24(A)(4) Main Bonding Jumper as Wire or Busbar.
Where the main bonding jumper specified in 250.28 is a wire or busbar and is installed from the grounded conductor terminal bar or bus to the equipment grounding terminal bar or bus in the service equipment, the grounding electrode conductor shall be permitted to be connected to the equipment grounding terminal, bar, or bus to which the main bonding jumper is connected."

I would agree with you, but after reading Oakey's question about the GEC from the water pipe wouldn't you follow 250.24(A)1? Which, the way I read it, say that the GEC must be terminated where the grounded conductor is terminated.

Isn't the main bonding jumper the wire that connects the the two together? In most cases the green screw or bus connection the panel to the grounded bar.
Don, to make sure I understand if this were to be a"service entrance"panelboard the connection directly to the panel would be acceptable as long as you also provided a supplemental conductor connecting the new ground/neutral bus to the grounded bus factory installed? so the requirement does not say "tho shall not" it appears it say if you do do this you must also...I Do not have my code book on me I will read the section tommorow.
That is how I read the code section. As long as I install a jumper the continuity of my grounded conductor does not depend on the metallic enclosure.
I would agree with you, but after reading Oakey's question about the GEC from the water pipe wouldn't you follow 250.24(A)1? Which, the way I read it, say that the GEC must be terminated where the grounded conductor is terminated.

Isn't the main bonding jumper the wire that connects the the two together? In most cases the green screw or bus connection the panel to the grounded bar.

So would this be wrong or a violation?
So would this be wrong or a violation?

In your long as it's a service panel and the bonding screw is in yes. But to the OP's question would it be ok for the GEC from the water be landed to a remote grounding bar?

Secondly the grounding wire from the water meter goes to one of these added bars, for some reason this doesn't seem right and needs to go to the main bus. Is what he did acceptable?

Wouldn't you need to land it to the main ground bar where the service grounded conductor is terminated?

Your GEC can be landed on either side of the panel just as long as the MBJ is in place. (Service Panel)

This panel is a real mess.

The GEC for the water pipe is definitely a violation of 250.24(A)(1) and (a)(4).

As for the #4 conductors connecting the ground bars to the neutral it would be hard to determine the required size of the jumper.

The best fix I could recommend would be to move all the neutrals to the factory neutral bars and move the EGC's to the remote ground bars.

You could also splice some the EGC's together and run a single wire to the ground bar.

ground - neutral

ground - neutral

Weird timing, I went out to a project site to see how the installation was going (and to get out of the office) it happens to be one of the few residential projects (fairly large home) where the existing service is being interrupted and an automatic transfer switch installed, the existing cables (meter secondary) were pulled back to the switch location, and located to the normal (utility source) the emergency feeder connected to the emergency source and new conductors run to the existing panel enclosure where the bonding screw was removed and ground bar kits were installed and they were in the process of relocating the grounds to the ground bars and leaving the neutrals on the now isolated neutral bar. in the SE rated transfer switch there was instructions to remove the jumper (shipped in the disconnect position) and rotate it 180 degrees and connect to the neutral lug provided. on the opposite site of the enclosure was the ground lugs. here is my question looking back at this post the ground lugs located on one side of the panel and the neutral on the other (bonded via grounding strip to the panel) need to be tied together (ground lugs to neutral lugs) with a conductor as the panel enclosure (under 2008NEC) cannot alone serve as the grounding path. does this sound correct. (there was no conductor currently installed or indicated in the drawings or specs opps).
Just to be sure, if I install a supplemental ground bar in a main panel and run a jumper sized from 250.66 to the neutral bar, I could then land the neutrals/grounded conductors on the new bar, correct?
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