Advertising is much like buying bait or lures to go fishing. Having the right bait or lure when all other conditions are right can catch you some fish on a good day. Having a good fishing spot is also very important. If you are fishing in a bad spot then the best bait will not help. Normally the only way to find a good fishing spot is to go fishing, fishermen don't give out their good spots or soon they wouldn't be good spots ( over fished ). All fishermen are more than happy to give advice and try to impress you with thier technique. Everyone wants to sell you the magic lure that is guaranteed to catch fish. It's important to remember that many lures are designed to cath fishermen and not so much the fish ( you obviously weren't using it right )
Most fishermen usually end up by telling tale tales about the big one that got away. Some end up like Ahab pursuing the big one to the ends of the earth ( not a happy ending ). Some, much like in the movie " Jaws ", end up getting eaten by the very fish they are after ( plenty of sharks in the water ).
Commercial fishermen use a time tested technique called a net. Sure the occasional shark will chew through the net and a few dolphins get trapped but all in all it's the only way to be sure of catching fish. A net and about a million dollars worth of fish finding equipment. Most people can't afford all this equipment and fish off the bank with a cane pole and some night crawlers. It's just a matter of luck when you fish like this, better have a good fishing spot.
Hope you all see the humor in this analogy.
Gone Fishing
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