Wow. I missed that in my continuing ed class. 210.12(A) has been extended beyond
Outlets to include
Devices. Finally, that is cleared up. A new wall switch added for a pull chain light will require AFCI.
Regarding Asphalt's posts:
I agree with you about just not liking it. Older homes are a real challenge for me as well. Adding a wall switch for an existing pull chain ceiling light will now require AFCI under the 2014.
I just got a collection of FAQs about the 2014 NEC from the State of Minnesota which included a very interesting statement about "laundry rooms or areas" being AFCI protected. You can see the full FAQ
Question: When a laundry area is in an
unfinished or open basement, are any outlets and / or devices in the rest of the basement now required to be AFCI protected by being "IN" the "laundry"?
Answer: No. Although not specifically defined, a laundry area would only encompass that part or section of the basement that has the specific laundry function.
My point? In Minnesota, a laundry area may be an unfinished place in a basement.
From this, I am cautious about the idea of
Closet , a term the NEC doesn't define, and a term that I believe describes much more than a "clothes closet" (which the NEC does define). I don't believe a closet has to be finished space to be used as a closet. . . and it could certainly contain a furnace. A furnace in a closet, even when on a dedicated circuit, and only with a disconnect switch (a "device") will have an "outlet" at the splice point between the branch circuit conductors and the furnace's internal wiring. Both the disconnect switch and splice invoke AFCI protection when in a closet.