Age you started contracting

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Age you started contracting

  • Age 20-25

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Age 26-30

    Votes: 18 29.0%
  • Age 31-35

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • Age 36-40

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • Age 41+

    Votes: 15 24.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I was 29 and I think it was the right time. I didn't plan on it but all the builders that my boss worked for kept telling me I was an idiot for not going on my own. C'est la vie. :smile:


Senior Member
Dennis Alwon said:
I was 29 and I think it was the right time. I didn't plan on it but all the builders that my boss worked for kept telling me I was an idiot for not going on my own. C'est la vie. :smile:

So you've only been doing this for a couple of years, huh?:grin:

Just kidding Dennis. From your posts I can tell you have alot of experience and wisdom.


Senior Member
central nc
I assume you are reffering to contracting for yourself. Not just working in the contracting field. I would imagine that anyone who is succesfull - longterm- would need at the very least a few years working under someone else before venturing out. Just my opinion.


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
The 1st time I was 28. NO WAY was I prepared (nor understood) what was involved in running a business. Quick money went to my head (in the form of afternoons at the bar). I made it about 6 months.

After a lot of experience with other peoples money, I went out again at age 44. It's been pretty good this time, although it looks like I might accept a positon with another company soon.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
tmbrk said:
So you've only been doing this for a couple of years, huh?:grin:

Just kidding Dennis. From your posts I can tell you have alot of experience and wisdom.

I am not so sure of the wisdom but experience I have at least in residential. I am 57 years young now so that's 28+ years as a licensed person.

I was lucky I bought a box of Cracker Jacks and there was an electrical license as the consolation prize. :D


Senior Member
code_compliant said:
I'm curious at what age you first generation contractors were when you first hung out your shingle? In hindsight do you feel it was too early or not soon enough.

I was 41 when I started contracting full time. Looking back I should have started in my early 30's.

If your goal is to become a contractor I would think that you need maybe 8 or 10 years of experience ( less for residential ) and after that you may a well jump in and get your feet wet. What you need is a clear head and a willingness to work some long hard hours and it doesn't get easier as you get older.

It's a learning experience and people tend to adapt better when they are young.
EC Licensed at Age 31

EC Licensed at Age 31

Started as an apprentice at age 20 became a lead electrician/mechanic at 22, journeyman at 27 , master at 30 then got my electrical contractors license at 31. Wish i could have had it in my 20's like some others but i'll settle for 31.


Senior Member
Technicacally, started when i was 22. Pretty young, I know. was in the last year of my IBEW apprenticeship. Now 23, almost in a year. We do ok, been slow starting, but we are getting there. People say i am young, to young, but I have made it so far. So whose vote counts???? We farm at home also, so long days and short nights (sleep) I really enjoy working on my own, making my own decisions. Most of my customers seem to "appreciate" my young age and ambition. There never is a perfect time for such things, and you are never completly ready to dive into such a thing. Long hours are a must though, and working for little money to start!!!!:D


Senior Member
Newport, NC
I was 28 when got my first license, residential only (SP-SFD, for all you NC folks :wink: :smile: ). My first contracting was almost immediately. While working for another company and one of the carpenter subs asked me to wire a house he and his wife were building. I did a few other tract houses for a GC until it became too intrusive on my full-time gig. I have never actually gone out on my own but I like the set up I have now.


Grumpy Old Man
Got a degree in Criminal Justice, then one in Psychology. Then started working as a electrician helper at 28. Started my own business after the guy I was working for just up and quit his business in 2003.
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