Ahead of switch

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Senior Member
Ok I don't know if I screwed this up. I was talking and I said that the switch was before the CT. Some later referred to it as the switch being ahead of the CT. Isn't that the opossite of what I said. Ahead means it is in front of..right???

I'm confused.....

If you say the switch is ahead of the CT I take that to mean that the switch will feed into the CT. Or it is before the CT in terms of where the power is fed from.
Ok I don't know if I screwed this up. I was talking and I said that the switch was before the CT. Some later referred to it as the switch being ahead of the CT. Isn't that the opossite of what I said. Ahead means it is in front of..right???

I'm confused.....


ahead of
Function: preposition
Date: 1613
1 : in front or advance of
2 : in excess of
Ok I don't know if I screwed this up. I was talking and I said that the switch was before the CT. Some later referred to it as the switch being ahead of the CT. Isn't that the opossite of what I said. Ahead means it is in front of..right???

I'm confused.....


before or ahead of means the same thing.
Ok so if you are looking at a one-line and you have incoming service pipes then switch then CT from left to right the switch is AHEAD of the CT even though it loks like it is before.
I see why you question, your reading a one line left to right and naturally you would think that. but its not that way.

if it were a race and

Start Finish

B is ahead of A

ha, but anyway, dont look at it that way, ahead and before same thing
Ok so if you are looking at a one-line and you have incoming service pipes then switch then CT from left to right the switch is AHEAD of the CT even though it loks like it is before.

from what you've described, I see the switch being both ahead of and before the CT. It means the same thing. I don't know what you mean " it's ahead even though it looks like it's before..."
I use "line side" and "load side" almost exclusively. Sometimes "upstream" and "downstream".
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