Al vs Cu.......are they equal?????? Which do you prefer and why?????

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I live in the land of aluminum feeders and SEU cable. It's widely used and nobody really gives it much thought to using aluminum. It's considered a perfectly acceptable wiring method. I attribute that to having a long defunct Kaiser Aluminum plant in my local area. Much of the cable they made was sold locally so the taboo on aluminum cable never really existed like it still does in many areas. It's funny how a manufacturer in your backyard will change the way you look at things. The same goes for MC/AC and other flexible metal cable here in New England. AFC is based here and does a lot of manufacturing locally, so MC cable is everywhere and its use has been widely accepted long before it gained traction in other parts of the country.
for residential aluminum installations, where AL rightly deserved it's black eye,
there are only a couple approved methods of fixing the problem. this one seems
to be the best, and least used:

Copalum may be considered the gold standard, but it's expensive, you have to lease the tool, go thru their training- it's a hassle to many and thats why it's so unpopular. Some areas you won't find anybody certified. I bet amp was unhappy when the lil' purple boxes w/ screws hit the market- alumiconns are cheaper and put an exceedingly reliable aluminum to copper repair within the reach of many.:happyyes:
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