All very interesting and very informative.
It all has nothing to do with the OP however. The speculation that this had anything to do with the recent PFC system is not likely germane, the fault he is getting is specifically pertaining to a machine safety control board accessory that he has (supposedly, although he never answered) installed in the drives, and they are giving a fault indication at very precise time events exactly 12 hours apart. The "Fault" is also, by the way, not necessarily really an error. In a machine safety circuit if you open the safety input to purposely shut down the drive output, called "Safe Torque Off", it is because the Safety Relay specifically TOLD the drive to do that, and it is registered as a "Fault" because per safety Protocols, engaging it requires a process of someone trained in the proper safety procedures to purposefully reset the safety Lockout. So in the VFD, this is accomplished by forcing someone to reset it by treating it as if it were any other kind of fault.