Alternate to conduit chairs

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57's are a bit large in my opinion. I think something more on the 68 scale would be more appropriate.

Lou it is a tough call to make. the mechanical compaction is what makes me nervous at times. Lou would not 57's be smaller than 68's on the sieve? The smaller the number of aggregate the more fall through.
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Well in florida we use pee rock for compaction we must get 98 % density test on most slabs in one foot lifts each lift tested .

But in our electrical rooms we bring it up with water and sand fill and clean dirt or fill .

We wash conduits in with a hose and the sun bakes it till its hard as a rock !!!!!!

Using a compactor in a electrical room is not good washing in conduits its our way of making sure nothing is out of wack meaning a compactor can damage your pipe layout we get the first 2 or 3 feet washed in .

Then we pack with a plate compactor and a electrician who knows how to pack meaning not hit or rub the racks or pipes while compacting the rooms .
I have been told that if you use metal that it will heat up or even get hot, is there truth

to this ?

Well we use metal conduit pvc conduit and even rebar as we call them horseshoes or hoops when we have to pour a duck bank and its called for in the specs .
We must install rebar supports tie wire and leave 3 inches around each conduit when poured out in a encased concrete duck bank.

No it is not effected by magnetic effects as the 3 phase conductors are close enough to cancel out each other .
And the distance is not a issue but ive never been underground to test it out this would be very hard to check out when its 7 foot below grade ?
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