Am I to high(pool wiring)

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I was asked to give a bid to wire a outdoor panel box for some pool pumps and motors the pool guys will hook it up they just need the panel installed. I need a 60' long trench from which I am coming up with a 90 into the house crawlspace for 30' to the main panel box crawlspace is open. Now the box I am installing outside for the pool pump is also going to supply a sub panel for a future pool house plus i also need to run a new circuit 30' for an outdoor plug. I plan on using 1/0 3conductor with a ground for the service with 2" conduit buried soft soil straight shot only 2 90s the pool company is calling for 60 amps the pool house will have a stove, water heater, 220 in wall ac unit slash heater plus various plugs but this will come off a future indoor circuit breaker box. also have to re locate an underground circuit for a gate 20' to the corner of the house. I bid it at 3,700.00 and the owner said I was nuts and did not know what I was doing he said the parts should only cost 2,500.00 max with that said thats 1,200.00 left to pay insurance permits ........... Am I crazy or is he give me your honest opinion don't hold back
ryandumas said:
I bid it at 3,700.00 and the owner said I was nuts and did not know what I was doing he said the parts should only cost 2,500.00 max

How would the owner have any idea what the job he wants done should cost?

He just figured in his mind it should not cost much and that you would do it for the pleasure of it.
iwire said:
How would the owner have any idea what the job he wants done should cost?

He just figured in his mind it should not cost much and that you would do it for the pleasure of it.

And the parts will install themselves. How convienient. :wink:
ryandumas said:
......owner said I was nuts and did not know what I was doing....

If he thinks you're nuts and don't know what you are doing.....? Wait a sec, he still want's to hire you? Bet he won't pay.
if he thinks your nuts at $3700....he'd think i'm certifiably insane wen he saw my price....min $5500...and that's if all goes well...
emahler said:
if he thinks your nuts at $3700....he'd think i'm certifiably insane wen he saw my price....min $5500...and that's if all goes well...

Just reading the job detailes, $5500 may not be eniough to break even, if as you say everything went well, and just what are the pool bozos, going to do, and do they intend to do it on your permit, so you can take all the liability for their share of the who knows what kind of work.
sounds like the person is trying to find a deal. tell him that by giving people free electrical work or deals your not only hurting yourself (the op) but your hurting the industry. never underbid yourself. you worked too hard for your license to give out discounted electrical work. i hear this all the time. this is what i say: "this is what i charge for my work. if you can find someone to do it cheaper than i can go for it. remember you get what you paid for."
i didnt get a job because the person thought i was too expensive. i charged 700 dollars to change a 100 amp fuse panel and wire a compressor. he was telling me he knows what the material costs and thought i would install it for free. how are we supposed to make money if we dont charge for labor and install material at cost?
Make money???? Why would we want to go and do a stupid thing like that???? Oh yeah, we are in to eat....have a place to live...ahh the details customers seem to overlook.

thanks for the replies

thanks for the replies

Iwire to answer your question maybe I wrote it wrong. 1/0-3 conductor ser.
3 conductors of 1/0 with a ground.


Your right Iwire I don't know what I was thinking but yes that is what I planned on doing was running seperate conductors.
UPDATE customer called me back

UPDATE customer called me back

Iwire Your right what was I thinking. That is what I planned on doing.

Customer just called me and asked me if I could still do the job he told me he had three other bids and they were all higher than mine(makes me think if I need to change my prices). Now he would like me to start monday I replied that it would cost more because of the overtime I would have to pay my workers to finish up other jobs ahead of schedule plus I would have to adjust for material price. so it added up to 4,900.00 plus I made sure that the pool installers would not ride on my permit. what do you think should I stay away or do it and make some money
I bid it at 3,700.00 and the owner said I was nuts and did not know what I was doing

And you are still considering doing the work?

You are nuts and you don't know what you're doing :grin:

This guy will be a pain in the arse. If you really need the work, write a stong contract and get a big deposit.
ryandumas said:
Iwire Your right what was I thinking. That is what I planned on doing.

Customer just called me and asked me if I could still do the job he told me he had three other bids and they were all higher than mine(makes me think if I need to change my prices). Now he would like me to start monday I replied that it would cost more because of the overtime I would have to pay my workers to finish up other jobs ahead of schedule plus I would have to adjust for material price. so it added up to 4,900.00 plus I made sure that the pool installers would not ride on my permit. what do you think should I stay away or do it and make some money

When did you give him your first "bid". I certainly don't mind you making money, but why would you have to adjust for material cost increase? If it has only been a couple of days since the first number you gave him, as a consumer, I would be upset that you seem to be changing your first number. The additional money for the overtime is a different story, I find that reasonable if wants to start immediately, but how much overtime can really be involved in completing the other work. After all it is Sat. and you expect that any other work can be completed tomorrow for you to be available on Monday. I'm sure the HO could wait one or two days to start. I'm not trying to keep you from making money, but you did give the person a price, and now that price is increasing by 30%. From my perspective, it makes us as contractors look shady when we increase our prices after an interest in using us is expressed.
frizbeedog said:
If he thinks you're nuts and don't know what you are doing.....? Wait a sec, he still want's to hire you? Bet he won't pay.

That always baffles me. Clowns want to get me on the phone after the job is done and beat me up on price, than don't pay anyway. Why don't they just get on the phone and say "Hey pal, I just stuck it in you" and save all the nonsence.
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