I was asked to give a bid to wire a outdoor panel box for some pool pumps and motors the pool guys will hook it up they just need the panel installed. I need a 60' long trench from which I am coming up with a 90 into the house crawlspace for 30' to the main panel box crawlspace is open. Now the box I am installing outside for the pool pump is also going to supply a sub panel for a future pool house plus i also need to run a new circuit 30' for an outdoor plug. I plan on using 1/0 3conductor with a ground for the service with 2" conduit buried soft soil straight shot only 2 90s the pool company is calling for 60 amps the pool house will have a stove, water heater, 220 in wall ac unit slash heater plus various plugs but this will come off a future indoor circuit breaker box. also have to re locate an underground circuit for a gate 20' to the corner of the house. I bid it at 3,700.00 and the owner said I was nuts and did not know what I was doing he said the parts should only cost 2,500.00 max with that said thats 1,200.00 left to pay insurance permits ........... Am I crazy or is he give me your honest opinion don't hold back