Am I to high(pool wiring)

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romexking said:
When did you give him your first "bid". I certainly don't mind you making money, but why would you have to adjust for material cost increase? If it has only been a couple of days since the first number you gave him, as a consumer, I would be upset that you seem to be changing your first number. The additional money for the overtime is a different story, I find that reasonable if wants to start immediately, but how much overtime can really be involved in completing the other work. After all it is Sat. and you expect that any other work can be completed tomorrow for you to be available on Monday. I'm sure the HO could wait one or two days to start. I'm not trying to keep you from making money, but you did give the person a price, and now that price is increasing by 30%. From my perspective, it makes us as contractors look shady when we increase our prices after an interest in using us is expressed.

The original bid was over a month ago. plus he is only giving me one day because he is laying a cement deck tuesday. that 30% is not all material it is the cost of paying my 3 guys overtime. Just a misunderstanding maybe
ryandumas said:
The original bid was over a month ago. plus he is only giving me one day because he is laying a cement deck tuesday. that 30% is not all material it is the cost of paying my 3 guys overtime. Just a misunderstanding maybe

Did you explain to him that you need to secure a permit, before work starts, he can't just call and say, the cement is going so I need you now, he should of accepted the contract well in advance of starting work, you have a good one there, once you start jumping hoops he may ask you to walk thru fire next.
ryandumas said:
The original bid was over a month ago. plus he is only giving me one day because he is laying a cement deck tuesday. that 30% is not all material it is the cost of paying my 3 guys overtime. Just a misunderstanding maybe

No it wasn't a misunderstanding. Your justification for a price increase is reasonable given the details. And to repeat Satcom, what about an inspection? You must inform him that you need to get a permit and inspection...if he still chooses to pour concrete, well let him handle the consequences. I don't recall reading anything about the bonding of the pool. What's the story with that?
I would start digging the trench. Who is doing the groumding?? Just take pictures of the work YOU do. And put a little bird inthe inspectors ear that you are only hired to do specifically the work you are doing. Ask him not to break chops until you get paid for your work and hope it is not the pool guys brother.
no you were not too high, I don't know where you located but one of the problems is that you have too many people looking who have very little knowledge doing electrical work, and thats who homeowners and builders are looking for, and then the code is based upon a mimium requirement, so as long as you have states like VA, and other southern states who you can just about get away with anything, yo will always have this problem, but as for charging too much only you know what you are worth.
The pool guys are in charge of all the bonding. It was all stated in my contract that all grounding is the resposibility of the pool installers and in no way is it to fall back on me in case of a failed inspection. Also I told him about the problem with a permit and inspection and he said he would like to just have me install the system and he will worry about the inspector. Little side note I have heard of a few inspectors here making people tear out there driveway to check for proper depth. But he said he will deal with it and it is stated that way in my contract. I also stated in my contract due to time constraints that I would like 75% down and the rest upon completion not upon a passed inspection will see tommorow what happens.
ryandumas said:
The pool guys are in charge of all the bonding. It was all stated in my contract that all grounding is the resposibility of the pool installers and in no way is it to fall back on me in case of a failed inspection. Also I told him about the problem with a permit and inspection and he said he would like to just have me install the system and he will worry about the inspector. Little side note I have heard of a few inspectors here making people tear out there driveway to check for proper depth. But he said he will deal with it and it is stated that way in my contract. I also stated in my contract due to time constraints that I would like 75% down and the rest upon completion not upon a passed inspection will see tommorow what happens.

My head is spinning, ""The pool guys are in charge of all the bonding.""

You do the bonding, and grounding, why are you letting the pool guys do your work?

""Also I told him about the problem with a permit and inspection and he said he would like to just have me install the system and he will worry about the inspector.""

He is trying to change the laws, as i said, you have a winner there as a customer, this guy is a problem waiting to happen, I would have told him to find someone else, you must need the work pretty bad, to let a customer control you.

With a guy like this, the slighest thing goes wrong, no matter what your contract says, and he will withhold payment, and point everything on you.
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iwire said:
How would the owner have any idea what the job he wants done should cost?

I would just tell him to get someone else. why should you let him tell you what you are going to make on the job? your price sounds reasonalble if not a little low.
ryandumas said:
Iwire to answer your question maybe I wrote it wrong. 1/0-3 conductor ser.
3 conductors of 1/0 with a ground.

If you get the job, reduce the neutral size and save yourself some money.
the $200 he'll save by reducing the neutral is not nearly enough to cover the headaches....the requote on this should have wel over $10k given the time factor, the owners attitude and the potential fines...heck mae it $12, wonder this industry is in a downward spiral....
emahler said:
the $200 he'll save by reducing the neutral is not nearly enough to cover the headaches....the requote on this should have wel over $10k given the time factor, the owners attitude and the potential fines...heck mae it $12, wonder this industry is in a downward spiral....

your just one of those guys that think they should make money on EVERY job.
Ide Let Him Or The Pool Guys Pull The Permit If Thats Allowed. Have Him Or The Pool Guys Do The Trench And Lay The Conduit Under Your Direction On Location And How You Want It Done You Can Inspect It After They Complete. Of Course The Inspector Needs To Look At It But Its Not Your Permit Or Your Install. I Worked For A Pool Guy And He Pulled The Permits And Did The Underground And Pulled The Wire Back To The Panel. (the Grunt Work) And Built And Installed The Supports For The Pool Panel He Also Provided The Pool Panel And Installed It On His Supports. He Did A Great Job He Was A Rod Iron Gate Installer Before He Became A Pool Guy . I Came In Tide Into The Panel And Hooked Up All The Pool Equipment. It Took Me Between 4 To Six Hours. I Would Charge About 800 Dollars . Parts Come Out To 150 Dollars At The Most. Every One Was Happy. By Letting The Ho Do Some Of The Grunt Work He Thinks He Saving Money And Your Making More Money For Less Work.
bradleyelectric said:
your just one of those guys that think they should make money on EVERY job.

He is not a social responsible person, just thinking about himself, simple greed, I can see why he can't be happy working like everyone else, what an extra six pack on fridays. is not good eniough for you?
Ide Let Him Or The Pool Guys Pull The Permit If Thats Allowed. Have Him Or The Pool Guys Do The Trench And Lay The Conduit Under Your Direction On Location And How You Want It Done You Can Inspect It After They Complete. Of Course The Inspector Needs To Look At It But Its Not Your Permit Or Your Install. I Worked For A Pool Guy And He Pulled The Permits And Did The Underground And Pulled The Wire Back To The Panel. (the Grunt Work) And Built And Installed The Supports For The Pool Panel He Also Provided The Pool Panel And Installed It On His Supports. He Did A Great Job He Was A Rod Iron Gate Installer Before He Became A Pool Guy . I Came In Tide Into The Panel And Hooked Up All The Pool Equipment. It Took Me Between 4 To Six Hours. I Would Charge About 800 Dollars . Parts Come Out To 150 Dollars At The Most. Every One Was Happy. By Letting The Ho Do Some Of The Grunt Work He Thinks He Saving Money And Your Making More Money For Less Work.

Why would you give your work away? Why wouldn't you charge enough to make that work that you are giving to the homeowner and pool guy worth doing? What are the requirements for pulling permits where you work?
satcom said:
He is not a social responsible person, just thinking about himself, simple greed, I can see why he can't be happy working like everyone else, what an extra six pack on fridays. is not good eniough for you?

It's contractors like him that give all us living week to week a bad name.
i lucked out....i've been laying out a projrct we are starting's in a hospital...when i tried to read that post i had a siezure...but they jus took me to the er and saved me...i coulda died from it....thank god doctors take a hippocratic oath, even though we don't....
Ive Given Bids To Many People And They Said Thats Way To Expensive And They Will Get Someone Else. Were Saying That If They Want To Do A Portion Of The Work Like Digging The Trench Why Not. Dont Have To Worry About Underground Services Or Big Rocks. I Understand If You Are Slow You Might Not Suggest This Approach But If Your Busy And Dont Have Time To Do As Perscribed By The Original Gentlemen Where The Ho Wanted It Done The Next Day And He Would Have To Charge For Overtime Implications. Maybe He Can Limit His Scope Of Work Do It For The Price He Suggested And Make More Money Than He Would Have Made Doing The Complete Job.
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