another GFCI ..... ?

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Senior Member
I was wondering if any of you guys ever feed GFCI from AFCI ckt and what was the GFCI characteristics? I did this today .the gfci would not work as it should ? what did I do wrong ? any comment or suggestion

Thank you all
nafis said:
I was wondering if any of you guys ever feed GFCI from AFCI ckt and what was the GFCI characteristics’ I did this today .the gfci would not work as it should ? what did I do wrong ? any comment or suggestion

Thank you all

You didnt do something correct, thats for sure....
080815-1413 EST


I believe the company is Cooper.

What do you mean the device does not work? No output power, or if you plug in an external tester it fails to trip when tested, or it has output power, but pushing the test button on the GFCI does not cause it to trip?

080815-1438 EST


If all cold water piping is metalic and connects to the system neutral, then get a 15,000 ohm 1 or 2 W resistor. Connect this resistor from the cold water line to a hot socket in the GFCI. Be careful so you do not get a shock. This probably at least means to solder wires to the resistor and put some heat shrink tubing over this. Maybe attach the lead that will go to the hot slot to a plug so that end of the wire is insulated. Obviously connect to the water pipe first. Power dissipation will be 120*0.008 = about 1 W.

When you put this 8 MA unbalanced load on the GFCI it should trip within 7 seconds.

If this does not trip the GFCI, then put an AC milliampmeter in series and make sure you have a load of about 8 MA.

If it does not trip with 8 MA unbalanced current, then make sure that the input power lines go to the line side of the GFCI and not to the load side.

nafis said:
it does nt trip , i pluged my tester try to tested it stay hot

Does it trip with the button. If yes that is all you have to worry about. If not and you know there is 120 volts then you have it wired incorrectly or it is defective. The new gfci will not work if you wired the line to the load terminals and vice versa
its wired right line and load . but i connected every thing on the line side it works just fine the funny thing the main arci did not trip ........hum
080816-1414 EST

I understand from one of your previous posts that English is not your native language. Thus, we have to work harder to determine what you are saying, and this not a criticism.

In considering the GFCI at this time ignore any question about the AFCI.

I believe you are saying that the GFCI is wired correctly, and when you plug in an external tester that the GFCI does not trip. This is why I suggested an external test resistor back to something that should go to the main panel neutral.

An external GFCI tester such as you probably have will most likely use the outlet ground pin as a path for the test current. If this pin does not have a good path back to the main panel neutral, then you may not produce an adequate test current.

I have not looked back at all of the posts. If you push the TEST button does the GFCI trip? And following this can you RESET the GFCI?

If the TEST button causes a trip and after this you can RESET, then probably the GFCI is working.

After proving that the internal test works, then if the external tester does not cause a trip, check that the outlet ground pin actually has a good current path back to the main panel ground bus and from there to the neutral bus.

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