Another show of hands

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Another show of hands

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Two kids, a bunch of plastic plugs, some receptacles disconnected and a few receptacle guards that where basically child proof in use covers.
My kids were perhaps unusual because I saw them near a recep. once and explained to them the danger and they understood and never went near them.

I guess since I never did anything like that I didn't expect my kids to explore it either.
Dennis Alwon said:
My kids were perhaps unusual because I saw them near a recep. once and explained to them the danger and they understood and never went near them.

Are you serious? :roll:

At what age did you have this talk with them? :confused:
Dennis Alwon said:
My kids were perhaps unusual because I saw them near a recep. once and explained to them the danger and they understood and never went near them.

I guess since I never did anything like that I didn't expect my kids to explore it either.

Perhaps unusual??

Kids or programable robots?
Bob...I did the same/similar as Dennis:
....told both kids (5/8) that they are to stay away....the older child doesn't question me, the little one wanted to know "Why?" I told her it gets hot like the stove (it doesn't, but she understands hot/cold ~ so you go with what you can).
electricmanscott said:
Perhaps unusual??

Kids or programable robots?
No need to get insulting. I admit my kids were unusual in that sense but they seemed to always heed the warnings.
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If it were an insult than you are right no need to be insulting. It was not.

I think if we start another poll :wink: we'd find that what you described is highly unusual for the average child. Even more so now that I know the ages.
electricmanscott said:
If it were an insult than you are right no need to be insulting. It was not.

I think if we start another poll :wink: we'd find that what you described is highly unusual for the average child. Even more so now that I know the ages.

Fine we'll leave it at that-- the programmable robot deal seemed a bit unnecessary.
Ok, no kids so no vote, but i do remember getting a nice shock from a receptacle as a kid.
when i was little i never stuck anything into the plugs. but i unscrewed an edison fuse and stuck my finger inside and got a pretty nasty shock at around the age of 4 or 5:D
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