Anwering Test Questions

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I am not saying to ignore the exception. exceptions are very important part of the code. My point is sometimes simple questions can get complicated if you make them or allow them to be.

IMO both are simple questions.

Q1. Each motor must be provided with an individual controller?

Verbatim from NEC 2008
Each motor shall be provided with an individual controller

Q2. Surface extensions from a flush mounted box must be made by mounting and mechanically securing an extension ring over the flush box.

verbatim from NEC 2008
Surface extensions shall be made by mounting and mechanically securing an extension ring over the box

It would be different if the question asks a question that has an exception or other wording in it.

My opinion only.
So far, I don't feel very good about how to get these kinds of questions right. Really stinks to know you have the right answer, but end up getting it wrong.
There's certainly no consensus here, and I'm not surprised, we all think differently.
Boy would I like to hear from an exam writer or one of Mike's staff.
Happy New Year to all.(hope it is for me. I find out in 3 weeks if my application for my masters is accepted)
Well I think you did hear from MH staff by the answers he is giving you. This does no good when you take another test that someone else has made. It may be the status quo is to answer as MH has shown. Sorry not much else to help you.
Except that there are other test questions in Mikes books that DO use the exceptions for the answer.

We must have the same book LOL::-?
the exceptions need to be used if a question is given or must be written in a way that exception must be used to get the right answer. I have books that cost 20.00 dollers less that don't have the problems that these do:mad:

I don't know if I will get another but one good thing is that I can come on here and get the right answer if I do

Garisilver, I understand your frustration. The MH books are some of the best out there but yes, they have some mistakes. I think your right in your interpitation and would answer these questions the same way. Like others have said, you have to look at the context of the questions or the chapter they are covering. They are often looking for a more general answer.
You have an attention for detail and will do well on your State test.
...I really don't see how true can be the answer given the wording of the text. I simply cannot ignore exceptions.
When taking tests, I've always taken the position that unless the question gives a condition for which an exception would apply, the answer disregards any exception. Not that I've taken any lately... but my premise has served me well in the past.

I do agree that in use we cannot ignore the exceptions. Yet the exceptions are considered special circumstances, not the general condition. So general condition given, general solution required.
Smart, thank you for your reply. I am not a good test taker and have always had problems understanding why the exceptions should be ignored on tests.

I still think it is a bad question but I agree, esp since the answers are given as ignoring the except, that this is the proper way to answer the question on a test. I wish that was taught to everyone so their performances could increase on exams. Those few people who score a 74 and got this wrong is unfair, imo.
I guess I'm going to have to do well enough to have a buffer against a possible few "bad" questions. Here's hopin'.......
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