Again, there are no 'instructions' per say in the UL listings.
Then there are no instructions the NEC requires we follow.
There was a proposals to change 110.3(B) so that it includes
all instructions that the manufacturer includes.
1-53 Log #2108 NEC-P01
Final Action: Reject
Herbert Moulton, Masters Technology Inc.
Revise text as follows:
(B) Installation and Use. Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and
used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.
Revised Text: Equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any
instructions included in the listing and labeling.
The deleted text is unnecessary as the reference to listed and
labeled is redundant.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement:
The existing language is intentional, designed to illuminate
the difference between Sections 11 0.3(A) and 11 0.3(B). Section 11 0.3(A)
contains criteria for authorities having jurisdiction to examine equipment.
Listed equipment, covered by 11 0.3(B), is presumptively in satisfaction of
11 0.3(A)(1) through (8) by virtue of its conformity to product safety standards.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
IWire..I don't make this stuff up.
And neither do I, I respectfully suggest you try to see things from the outside of your office and what we in the field are up against.
Read the instructions that come with any appliance, many of the words in those instrutions have nothing to do with electrical safety.
For example, I install solar panels, the instructions direct that the glass should be cleaned on a regular basis
Am I violating 110.3(B) by not doing so? Is the customer?
Take a look at the instructions that come with a dishwasher, very likely they will say to use specific brand of soap.
It's in the instructions it must be code right?
I think you need to delve a bit more into the actual UL Listings to have the full understanding of what is referenced. The UL WhiteBook or NEC is no substitution for that.
I think that I need to follow the NEC, (or MEC in my case) that is all I am bound to unless other standards are referenced which brings us back to 110.3(B)
To me, this is all common sense. I should follow the manufacturer's installation instructions (if included) or else I may get hurt or create a major liability. I don't assume I can make it up as I go along...:roll:
So put that to the picture of the snac panel up high?
There is very little to service in that box, an exhaust fan has more reason for easy access but they are regularly mounted in hard to access locations.
A slippery slope to head down, I will stick with the NEC.
The inspector(s) missed this one and it should be corrected ASAP. IMHO
What code section will be placed on that correction notice?
Don't misunderstand me, I think that is a poor location. I work on this stuff all the time, I don't just talk about it. Many times I show up for a service call and I have to reschedule with a lift to access whatever it is. But the NEC is not a design manual, good design comes from good designers not inspectors asking for more then the NEC requires.