Anybody Know What This Is?

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I've been into electronics since I was a kid (physically, I mean). I recognized the full-wave bridge rectifier immediately, probably with a 25-amp rating.

I've been into electronics since I was a kid also. Recognized the Bridge Rectifier 25usec before Larry did. :)
or was it 25 msec after ... I forget which.
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That's right. That tiny little thing is a rectifier. I've never seen one in the field before, apparently. I guess I thought they would be bigger, and have some sort of label. This forum's great.

There probably is a label, maybe on the side that's fastened to the panel! The size varies, depending on the voltage and current.
There probably is a label, maybe on the side that's fastened to the panel! The size varies, depending on the voltage and current.

I’ve worked with these things a lot. A label is rare. Usually just a part number and (if you’re lucky) a voltage / current rating ink-stamped on on of the sides.

I think I have a few in my junk box. I’ll try to post a picture.
Examples with markings:
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