Appliance malfunction when on backup power

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New User
Coquille, OR
I have a residential power backup system composed of dual banks of 24 trojan 2volt deep cycle batteries tied to a trace sw4048 (48 volt) inverter with a transfer switch and 10 kw diesel genset. My question is this: The system has been functioning properly for over 20 years but recently I replaced the home dishwasher with a new Whirlpool model. When on backup power it does not produce enough agitation or water pressure to dissolve the soap packets and sounds irregular with hesitations instead of continuous swishing sounds when rinsing or washing. Since it operates fine on grid power I figure it has some overly sensitive circuitry that doesn't find my sine wave inverter power clean enough. We have had other dishwashers over the years without backup trouble. The only other house symptom is the range hood light wouldn't track low-to-high intensity while on backup. Is there a voltage regulator available for this situation or does my problem lie elsewhere?
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