don_resqcapt19 said:
According to Bussman, if you are using a 400 amp LPS-RK-SP fuse and the fault current drops from 12kA to 10kA the incident energy goes from 1.7 cal/cm^2 to over 100 cal/cm^2. ...
Wow - that is interesting. Let's check the math:
Current dropped to 10ka/12ka = .83
Energy delivered (compared to the 12ka SCC) ~ i^2t = .69t
For the example given, the energy changed from 1.7 to 100cal/cm^2 = 59 times
So, with the current at 10ka, the time to trip increase over the 12ka time is:
t(10) = 85 x t(12)
I'm not saying this is not true, but it smells like they are cooking the books, as far as they can without lying, to prove some point. I'd be interested to read the Bussman reference.