are feed through lug kits considered taps

hi every one I'm an apprentice and had an install where we had a feed through lug kit (ftlk) energize a tesla back up gate way and had no ocpd except the main breaker and i don't think that's correct i was always told never go lug to lug and read 240. 21 and looked into buss way taps and taps in general and saw that its okay for the tap not to have ocpd but once it reaches it device it's supplying it should land on a breaker of some sort unless there's a fused disco in between and also i may be completely wrong because i don't even know what a (ftlk) is even classified as i will appreciate any guidance on this because I'm verry con fused
At the rich hospital that I retired from they would install a 42 circuit 120/208 volt three phase panel with a 225 amp three pole circuit breaker in the distribution panel then use lugs at top of second 42 circuit panel then set of lugs at bottom of that panel to feed a third 42 circuit . All three panels were only a few inches apart mounted on unistrut. They would end up with 128 bolt on 20 amp single pole circuit breakers. First panel maybe only had 30 breakers used a few in the second panel and the dozens of third panels never had a conduit or circuit used. They usually never installed more then four general use duplex receptacles on a 20 amp breaker.