Are Kirchoffs Law and Ohms Law interchangeable?

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Wow. Of the many things one could call Besoeker, "ignorant" is not one I would pick. Why the arrogance and animosity, Sahib? It's obvious that he wasn't suggesting that Ohm's Law can't be proved, just that it can't be proved by taking measurements of a physical circuit--only verified.

Ironically, you're ridiculing the man for saying essentially the same thing you did. The only difference is that he said it over a week ago (and he was polite about it).
Appreciate your post.
I try to remain polite. Sometimes the maharajah tests that.
It's obvious that he implied it.
If it were obvious it would not be an implication, it would be a statement. Implication can only be inferred, and there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.
I hope you admit at least now that the Ohm's law is provable unlike some other entities like electric force.
The bold can only be taken to mean that you think I claimed otherwise.
I didn't.
But hey, don't let facts get in your way.
I hope you admit at least now that the Ohm's law is provable unlike some other entities like electric force.
Ohm's "Law" is either a definition of resistance, in which case it does not to be prove, nor can it be either proven or verified, OR it is an experimental observation., in which case it can be supported by data but neither confirmed nor verified.

Ohm's Law is only a law to the extent that it says that for amy particular circuit element R is constant over a wide (or unlimited) range of voltage and current.

And we know that for real materials that is in fact at best an approximation.

In a real resistor thermodynamic effects (and quantum effects) cause uncorrelated fluctuations in voltage and current.
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I hope you admit at least now that the Ohm's law is provable unlike some other entities like electric force.
It is obvious that you are implying that he stated that Ohm's Law is unprovable.

The bold can only be taken to mean that you think I claimed otherwise.
I didn't.

So a proof of Ohm's law in the classical Physics may help the OP gain a better understanding of the nature of the law.

Even though it requires inborn intellectual capacity to prove the law on one's own, the proof can be given in less than half a page.

I do not know which forum expert is going to do it.
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So a proof of Ohm's law in the classical Physics may help the OP gain a better understanding of the nature of the law.

Even though it requires inborn intellectual capacity to prove the law on one's own, the proof can be given in less than half a page.

I do not know which forum expert is going to do it.

Why don't you just do it and save the rest of us the trouble?:thumbsup:
Quote Originally Posted by gar View Post
Ohm's name for voltage was electroscopic force

I thought it was electromotive force, or EMF.

It is now called electromotive force, but back in the days of static electricity you would measure (or at least detect) voltage with an electroscope.
It is now called electromotive force, but back in the days of static electricity you would measure (or at least detect) voltage with an electroscope.
I thought you shuffled across the floor and touched someone else on the nose and the higher they jumped the higher the energy level was:lol:
Both would jump. Series circuit.
However, the jump-to-current calibration constant of the nose is higher than that of the fingertip, so the shuffler's jump may not even be noticeable. To be usable the standard would have to specify carefully the body area, skin conductivity, caffeine level in the subject, etc.
Both would jump. Series circuit.

However, the jump-to-current calibration constant of the nose is higher than that of the fingertip, so the shuffler's jump may not even be noticeable. To be usable the standard would have to specify carefully the body area, skin conductivity, caffeine level in the subject, etc.
The shuffler has an intention and is expecting something to happen, the victim however may be totally oblivious to what is happening then comes the surprise when their nose gets zapped.
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