Article 250.24(A1)??

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south missouri
Here is my dilemma. Our local power company requires the grounding electrode conductor to be terminated in their metering equipment, effectively grounding their neutral. They have required that for years. As the new AHJ electrical inspector, I informed them that the electrode conductor needed to be landed in the service equipment main disconnect instead (NEC 2008 Art. 250.24(A1). They are fine with that as long as the electrician installs a grounding electrode "jumper", from the grounding electrode conductor at the main disconnect, out to there meter base and bonds the effectively grounds their neutral. Wouldn't doing so be a violation?
Let's step back to 250.24(A)(1) for a second.
Where does it say the GEC has to be landed in the service equipment main ?
Let me back up to 250.24. Service shall have a grounding electrode conductor connected to the grounded service conductor, at each service. Metering equipment does not qualify as service equipment. It is just a meter base, nothing more. Doesn't the electrode conductor have to be landed at the main disconnect, where the neutral is bonded to the enclosure?
Let me back up to 250.24. Service shall have a grounding electrode conductor connected to the grounded service conductor, at each service. Metering equipment does not qualify as service equipment. It is just a meter base, nothing more. Doesn't the electrode conductor have to be landed at the main disconnect, where the neutral is bonded to the enclosure?

Check out 250.24(A)(1). This section allows the GEC to be connected to the grounded conductor at any accessible point from the service drop or service lateral up to and including the terminal or bus to which the grounded service conductor is connected at the service disconnecting means.

Thanks fellas. So according to 250.24 (A1), what exactly qualifies as "any accessible point", from service drop/ lateral to main disconnect? An enclosed, locked meter base? I suppose that is left up to interpretation by the local AHJ.
Thanks fellas. So according to 250.24 (A1), what exactly qualifies as "any accessible point", from service drop/ lateral to main disconnect? An enclosed, locked meter base? I suppose that is left up to interpretation by the local AHJ.

Check out the definition of accessible (as applied to wiring methods) in Article 100.

IMHO a meter base is and accessible location even though the meter base is tagged out by the utility company.

Requirements have varied in this area over the years and between different POCOs. The GEC has been connected everywhere from the POA to the Main, often by choice but sometimes by POCO requirements.
Some area POCOs REQUIRE the GEC be connected in their meters to assure the presence, some won't allow it for reasons you state.
Our state rules don't allow GEC termination in the meter base as they don't consider it accessible. But if the POCO requires then they allow it.
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