Where did that list come from ?
Its a NEMA document, it was too large to post the whole thing, here's more
703 841-3200
703 841-5900 FAX
Guidelines for Handling
Water-damaged Electrical Equipment
NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER – Please see the last page of this document.
This publication provides guidelines on how to handle electrical equipment that has been
exposed to water through flooding, fire fighting activities, hurricanes, etc. It is designed for use by
suppliers, installers, inspectors, and users of electrical products.
Electrical equipment exposed to water can be extremely dangerous if reenergized without proper
reconditioning or replacement. Reductions in integrity of electrical insulation due to moisture,
debris lodged in the equipment components, and other factors, can damage electrical equipment
by affecting the ability of the equipment to perform its intended function. Damage to electrical
equipment can also result from flood waters contaminated with chemicals, sewage, oil, and other
debris that will affect the integrity and performance of the equipment. Ocean water and salt spray
can be particularly damaging due to the corrosive and conductive nature of the salt water residue.
Distributors of electrical equipment should not use any inventory that has been subjected to water
damage. Damaged inventory should not be sold to resellers that will place the equipment back
into the market. This can lead to damaged equipment still being used and creating a hazard to
individuals or property.
To Contact the Manufacturer
Working knowledge of electrical systems and of the equipment in question is required to evaluate
damage due to contact with water. The original manufacturer of the equipment should be
contacted if any questions arise or specific recommendations are needed. In many cases,
replacement will be necessary.
After consultation with the manufacturer, some larger types of electrical equipment may be reconditioned by properly trained personnel. The ability to recondition the equipment may varywith the nature of the electrical function, the degree of flooding, the age of the equipment, and thelength of time the equipment was exposed to water.
Attempts to recondition equipment without consulting the manufacturer can result in additional
hazards due to the use of improper cleaning agents, which can further damage the equipment
(see National Electrical Code? Section 110-11 FPN No.2) or due to improper reconditioning
NEMA member companies are committed to safety. For specific contacts within these
manufacturing firms, call or write:
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752
Rosslyn, Virginia 22209
Telephone: (703) 841-3236
Fax: (703) 841-3336
ATTN: Vince Baclawski
Electrical Distribution Equipment
Electrical distribution equipment usually involves switches and low-voltage protective components
such as molded case circuit breakers and fuses, within assemblies such as enclosures,
panelboards, and switchboards. These assemblies can be connected to electrical distribution
systems using various wiring methods.
The protective components are critical to the safe operation of distribution circuits. Their ability to
protect these circuits is adversely affected by exposure to water and to the minerals and particles
which may be present in the water. In molded case circuit breakers and switches, such exposure
can affect the overall operation of the mechanism through corrosion, through the presence of
foreign particles, and through removal of lubricants. The condition of the contacts can be affected
and the dielectric insulation capabilities of internal materials can be reduced. Further, some
molded case circuit breakers are equipped with electronic trip units and the functioning of these
trip units might be impaired. For fuses, the water may affect the filler material. A damaged filler
material will degrade the insulation and interruption capabilities.
Distribution assemblies contain protective components together with the necessary support
structures, buswork, wiring, electromechanical or electronic relays and meters. Exposure to water
can cause corrosion and insulation damage to all of these areas. In the case of exposure of
distribution assemblies to water, the manufacturer should be contacted before further action is
Items Which May Possibly Be Reconditioned by Trained Personnel in Consultation with
Enclosed switches—reference NEMA Standards Publication KS 1-2001, Enclosed and
Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment Switches (600 Volts Maximum), para 5.1, 5.1.2
Busway—reference NEMA Standards Publication BU 1.1-2000, General Instructions for
Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Busway Rated 600 Volts or Less, para
Panelboards—reference Standards Publication ANSI/NEMA PB 1.1-2002, General
Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600
Volts or Less, para. 10.3, 10.8.3, 10.8.4
Switchboards—reference Standards Publication ANSI/NEMA PB 2.1-2002, General
Instructions for Proper Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Deadfront
Distribution Switchboards Rated 600 Volts or Less, para., 11.10
Fire Pump Controllers—reference NEMA Standards Publication ICS 15-1999 (R2004),
Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Electric Fire Pump
Controllers Rated Not More Than 600 V
Exposure of transformers to water can cause corrosion and insulation damage to the transformer
core and winding. The ability of the transformer to perform its intended function in a safe manner
can also be impaired by debris and chemicals which may be deposited inside the transformer
during a flood. Water and contaminates also can damage transformer fluids.
Items Requiring Complete Replacement:
All dry-type transformers regardless of kVA ratings
All dry type control circuit transformers
Items Which May Possibly be Reconditioned by Trained Personnel in Consultation with
Liquid-filled transformers (analysis of the insulating medium is required for evaluation of this
Cast-resin transformers
Wire, Cable, and Flexible Cords
When any wire or cable product is exposed to water, any metallic component (such as the
conductor, metallic shield, or armor) is subject to corrosion that can damage the component itself
and/or cause termination failures. If water remains in medium voltage cable, it could accelerate
insulation deterioration, causing premature failure. Wire and cable that is listed for only dry
locations may become a shock hazard, when energized, after being exposed to water.
The following recommended actions are based upon the concept that the water contains no high
concentrations of chemicals, oils, etc. If it is suspected that the water has unusual contaminants,
such as may be found in some flood water, the manufacturer should be consulted before any
decision is made to continue using any wire or cable products.
Items Requiring Complete Replacement:
Any wire or cable that is listed for dry locations only, such as type NM-B cable, should be
replaced if it has been exposed to water.
Any cable that contains fillers, such as polypropylene, paper, etc., should be replaced if the
ends of the product have been exposed to water.
Items Which May Possibly be Reconditioned by Trained Personnel in Consultation with
Any wire or cable product that is suitable for wet locations and whose ends have not been
exposed to water should be suitable for use or continued use. A qualified person, such as an
electrical contractor or others familiar with wire and cable terminology, should make the
determination of the product's suitability for wet locations.
Any wire or cable product, not containing fillers, that is suitable for wet locations and whose
ends have been exposed to water, may be considered a candidate for "purging" (using an
inert gas under pressure to remove water contained in the product) under engineering
supervision. If this procedure is employed, the wire or cable should be tested prior to
energization. As a minimum, an insulation resistance test with a megohmmeter should be