Re: as-builts, shop drawings what software?
Are you still using R-14 or have you upgraded??
[ June 02, 2005, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Nick ]
Yeh you would hope so. However, most plans I see today are filled with mistakes, duplicate circuits, missing information etc. When you have that as a starting point and add a fast track schedule and a large crew (30+ electricians and 5 or more Foreman) it's pretty unrealistic to think you are going to have 100% accurate as-builts on a job as when the push is on they are the first thing to get neglected. Everyone does the best they can but some are better at it than others. When it comes to laying out the three guys at the gang box waiting for a project and working on as-builts guess which one gets done!Besides as professional electricians why wouldn't they be accurate?
Are you still using R-14 or have you upgraded??
[ June 02, 2005, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Nick ]