Assisted Living (Hospital Grade)

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Senior Member
I am currently working on an assisted living project. The engineer in directing us to install hopital grade cable and receptacle througout the building. where is this required per code and which articles should i look into?
It is not required for an assisted living facility unless it has a location for patient care or a part of the building that is not simply assisted living.
The only requirement for this type of wiring is in Patient Care Areas and Patient Bed Locations, Read part II of article 517 then go on to 517.40 through 517.45.

I am currently working on an assisted living project. The engineer in directing us to install hopital grade cable and receptacle througout the building. where is this required per code and which articles should i look into?

Code is a minimum requirement... If hospital receptacles were specified in the construction documents, you included them in your bid, right? :)

What is hospital grade cable?
Code is a minimum requirement... If hospital receptacles were specified in the construction documents, you included them in your bid, right? :)

What is hospital grade cable?

Hospital grade cable would be either HCF-AC cable or HCF-MCAP cable.

This is a cable where the outer sheath qualifies as an equipment grounding conductor itself and the cable also contains an insulated copper equipment grounding conductor (Sometimes called a redundant ground) to comply with 517.13(A)&(B).

HCF cable in an assisted living facility is a bit silly, but I've seen it before. The hospital grade receptacle requirement is just downright retarded though, unless there is some specific piece of equipment they plan on plugging in that requires them. Heck, I'd bet two thirds of the receptacles I've installed in actual hospitals haven't been required to be hospital grade.
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