ATTN: Florida electricians

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I just got a call from the owner of our company about how to word an exclusion to our resi bids pending the adoption of the 08 NEC. I asked why because it was my understanding that we adopted the 08 on 7/1/09. I have not been to the shop in 3 weeks and he says "didn't you see the letter you got"? From an inspector friend in Pampano Beach stating a possable Sept adoption. I'll make some calls in the AM, but could anyone give me a heads up as to whats going on?

Mods, could you post a link to this in Mod Chat for Bryan.

Thanks alot .
Supply house here is saying the Tamper resistant outlets and weather resistant GFCI receptacles are supposed to be installed as of July 1. I'm pretty sure its not for replacement of but its a good practice. combination AFCI's for sure. I haven't seen anything in writing as to the adoption of any new code editions, but they are desperate in Tallahassee.
As of July 1, supposedly the 08 was adopted............somehow they figured they needed a 21+/- day waiting period for challenges or whatever. We have not rec'd official word on when enforcement will begin. Someone with the FBC said (paraphrased) " if you all want to enforce it, go ahead.........." Most Municipalities have chosen to wait for official word from the state before enforcement.
I also heard someone say that if the state has adopted the code then an EC that knows of it should feel compelled to install to the new "safer" requirements to CYA. I do not know about that.
This is an e-mail I got from Bryan.

Well, it should be no surprise to those of you that have followed the code adoption process here in Florida over the last several years that things have changed again.

The Florida Building Commission voted to amend the Florida Building Code to reference the 2008 NEC on June 9th at the Rule 9B - 3.047 hearing in Tampa. However, due to public notification laws, the Notice of Change will not be published for another 21 days or so leaving an "official" effective date in perhaps August or maybe even September. The July 1st date is no longer valid.

According to Mo Madani of the FBC, it is up to the discretion of the individual AHJ's as to when to start enforcing the 2008 NEC now that it has been approved by the commission. I am not exactly certain on the procedure an individual jurisdiction must follow in order to start enforcing a newer edition of a code or standard before the state declares an “official” date, but Mr. Madani did clearly indicate to me this is an option.

I have nothing else to report on the 680.22(B), GFCI exemption for 1&2 Family Dwellings. The issue was debated, a vote was made, and the change stands – like it or not.

I do want to remind you that a few other “standards” were updated / adopted with the 2007 FBC:

• 2005 NFPA 99 – Standard for Health Care Facilities

• 2004 NFPA 780 – Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems

• 1996 ANSI/UL – Standard for Single and Multiple Station CO Alarms (NFPA 720)

I will keep you updated if anything else changes, which I am certain it will… If any of you have some insight or receive some news on the matter, please forward to us all so that everyone is on the same page.
The Florida Building Commission is expecting an August 31st or September 1st "official" adoption date for the 2008 NEC. The commission technically approved the 2008 edition on June 9th allowing individual jurisdictions the option to begin enforcement of the 2008 edition anytime after June 9th in accordance with proper public notification and by way of a local ordinance or technical administrative amendment.

I want to also remind you that BOAF Formal Interpretations and DCA Declatory Statements will now be accepted for National Electrical Code questions. These decisions supercede any previous statements or interpretations made, even those made by the NFPA. The DCA / FBC is now the "official" interpreter of the NEC, not the NFPA.

I will continue to keep you updated...
Supply house here is saying the Tamper resistant outlets and weather resistant GFCI receptacles are supposed to be installed as of July 1. I'm pretty sure its not for replacement of but its a good practice. combination AFCI's for sure. I haven't seen anything in writing as to the adoption of any new code editions, but they are desperate in Tallahassee.

Tamper resistant outlets? I hadn't heard about that one.
As far as residential, what other changes should we be on the lookout for?
Are you living under this?


I guess I should have not been so vacuous in my hast to post.
I'll get you my pretty....
I'm well aware of the many changes just not the tamper resistant receptacles.
I missed that one and haven't had it come up yet.
I'm on it now.
Thanks wise guy... I feel much smaller now as I have been crushed by a big rock...
All in good fun friend! :) The IAEI has put together a good book "analysis of code changes" if you have means to obtain one it helps given the volume of changes this cycle. Along the lines of TR receps.........WR receps also, heard of this?
All in good fun friend! :) The IAEI has put together a good book "analysis of code changes" if you have means to obtain one it helps given the volume of changes this cycle. Along the lines of TR receps.........WR receps also, heard of this?

The weather resistant GFI, I've just read about, and just called the supply house for pricing
to see how it will affect future $.
I am going to have to check with the local AHJ's is South Florida as we have a number of high end resi projects coming up. Gettin busy again...
Can you direct me to the procedures for "..proper public notification and by way of a local ordinance or technical administration amendment."..?
I guess Marco Island has begun enforcing the 08.
Kevin Holland
Florida Building Code Update

August 6, 2009

Dear all interested parties:

The purpose of this email is to provide you with an update regarding the current update to the 2007 Florida Building Code. At the June 9, 2009 Commission meeting, the Commission held a rule adoption hearing regarding Rule 9B-3.047 for the purpose of reviewing and taking action on the proposed glitch code changes to the 2007 FBC including the update to 2008 National Electrical Code (NEC). As the result of the hearing, staff published a "Notice of Change" detailing the changes as approved by the Commission. The changes are posted at the link below and titled "Notice of Change as a result of the June 9, 2009 hearing".

As per Chapter 120, Florida Statutes procedures, the Notice of Change was noticed/published for 21 days; however because of a technical oversight in the notice, we issued another "Notice of Change" which also must be published for 21 days. After the notice is complete, the Rule will be filed with the Department of State. The projected effective date for the proposed changes is now late September 2009.


Also, please note that according to 553.73(7), Florida Statues, which states in part "…Following the approval of any amendments to the Florida Building Commission by the Commission and publication of the amendments on the Commission’s website, authorities having jurisdiction to enforce the Florida Building Code may enforce the amendments." This means that enforcement agencies such as local building departments, as of June 9, 2009, may enforce the provisions of the "Notice of Change" noted above including the 2008 NEC or wait until the official adoption of the rule which is projected to go into effect late September 2009.

Thanks for your support and understanding

Mo Madani

Florida Department of Community Affairs

Building Code and Standards Office
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