Bad Connections?

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Security settings maybe?

I can see it on desktop and Droid.
Had to View In Browser. Another Tapatalk limitation. Sigh.

Sure sounds like either a loose bus section or a problem with the mag trip in the breaker.
I suppose it could be wire movement in raceway too.

That almost sounds like a transferred vibration noise.
Like the agitator of the washer when it moves in steps or moves back and forth.
As loud as that is (or seems to be) I would think it would be easy to find.
If it was a constant buzz or vibration I would point at electrical but that isn't what its doing.
That almost sounds like a transferred vibration noise.
Like the agitator of the washer when it moves in steps or moves back and forth.
As loud as that is (or seems to be) I would think it would be easy to find.
If it was a constant buzz or vibration I would point at electrical but that isn't what its doing.

It doesn't happen every time the washer or dryer is running. FYI, the washer & dryer are on the main level. This panel is located in the basement area.
Chris, glad you were able to upload it. I just uploaded the file you sent to me in photobucket and was going to post it for you but I see you got it. I honestly don't know but my bet is the breaker. I am guessing the extra load when the washer and dryer are running may cause the panel to sing.
That certainly does sound similar to our HE washer as it agitates, at a much higher level that is for sure. How does the washer sound when you are close to it?

I was expecting an arcy sparky sound not that of a motor, fwd-rev-fwd-rev...

One thought. The one time our washer sounded that loud, it had a quarter stuck between stationary and moving parts of the basket or drum. It was in the process of eating that quarter.
put your thumb on each breaker and wiggle

put your thumb on each breaker and wiggle

put your thumb on each breaker and wiggle....(under load)

Old aluminum Zinsco panels are easy to diagnose which breaker has a bad stab, wiggle each one and feel/listen for the GSSST-GSSST noise
Dont forget rule of thumb..

Dont forget rule of thumb..

Dont forget the rule of determine if a breaker is overloaded..

Put your thumb on the breaker... if it to hot to keep your thumb on it for less than 3 seconds...then... it is overloaded..
I'm going to replace the 20 amp laundry circuit breaker with a new one and install it on a different phase. It appears that the noise only happens when the washer and dryer are running.
That almost sounds like a transferred vibration noise.
Like the agitator of the washer when it moves in steps or moves back and forth.
As loud as that is (or seems to be) I would think it would be easy to find.
If it was a constant buzz or vibration I would point at electrical but that isn't what its doing.
The washer when agitating is a varying load, each time it changes direction the load decreases then increases again. Any magnetic caused humming from the breaker will increase and decrease as the load changes.
I was bow to duplicate the noise coming from the main electrical panel. Not as loud but nonetheless. I believe it was the 20 amp branch circuit breaker causing the issue. It was the top right circuit breaker in the panel. It had markings on the top that looked like moisture was on top of the breaker. We drilled the screws that held the breaker together and noticed a good amount of corrosion on the two contacts in the breaker. I also installed the new breaker on a different phase.
Ive heard the buzzing and seen glowing orange main lugs on these ge panels many times. Not sure if all ge buss/lug connections are weak or just some models/years. I have a vid somewhere of glowing lugs on a ge panel orange. It was kind of freaky

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... because I cant get the pictures to zoom ...

... I couldnt see the pictures well enough either.

Click on the picture from where the website shows it to you so that you get to the image address directly (instead of referenced). There will be no fram around it. Once there, hot <Ctrl and the + key to enlarge it, every hit of the + key increases the size about 10% I think. Ctrl and - will shrink it again, so if you count the + key hits, do the - key hits the same number so you get back to normal.

Note for us old guys with failing eyesight, this works for most websites, unless the images are referenced (framed), that's why you have to click on the image this site first shows you.
The other way to get back to normal is just hit Ctrl-0 (Control and zero keys)
If you are trying to use "+" you will have to use the shift key on the alpha (typewriter) keypad or no shift with the numeric keypad.

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