Bad Electrical wiring

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Senior Member
Went to look at a Up Grade job this evening.
The Existing Service is an old 100 amp.
The fuse boxes were in an old cellar there was a combination, of 60 amp fuse
panel,30 amp Disconnect another 60 amp fuseable disconnect
Anyway there was a total of 5 different Boxes in the cellar.
Feeding from one box to the next. with wires double lugged.
connections made by just twisting wires together, no tape no wirenuts.
Black wires used for ground. No covers on any boxes wires hanging out of the boxes .the last panel a 200 amp breaker panel.
installed on the main floor fed by a #6 romex jumped off a 60 amp fuseable disconnect. but only fed with 120 volts . this panel has (6 ) 20 amp circuits in it.Suppling voltage to an addition that was added on a few years ago.
When I first looked at the 200 amp panel I noticed that every other space on the buss bar was empty then after looking closer I saw that the panel was only fed with 120volts Only . No Ground.
Any way I working up a bid for this job. Wish me luck I am going to need it on this job.


Senior Member
The good thing about a job like this is that the customer never has to wonder what they are paying for. When they see what things look like when you leave they know you earned your money.

The before and after pictures really show a difference. :smile:

By the way, Good Luck.


Senior Member
You don't need luck, you need to be firm with the customer in explaining what a dangerous situation they have, and that fixing it should be a priority for them. After all, you're the expert. That's how I'd approach it...


Senior Member
I see that everyday.
Sent an electrician to one of those to replace it. He called up and said it was "screwed up." I told him that's why he wsa there--to "unscrew it."

Not sure what he's doing these days...

Here's a sales tactic, if you need it...Send a picture of a clean installation to the customer. I like to take a picture of the existing and place it next to a new clean installation and send it with the proposal. Works about 90% of the time.


Senior Member
I see that everyday.
Sent an electrician to one of those to replace it. He called up and said it was "screwed up." I told him that's why he wsa there--to "unscrew it."

Not sure what he's doing these days...

Here's a sales tactic, if you need it...Send a picture of a clean installation to the customer. I like to take a picture of the existing and place it next to a new clean installation and send it with the proposal. Works about 90% of the time.

Excellent sales idea. Don't know why I didn't think of that--everyone says picture's worth 1,000 words.


Albany, NY
Electrical Contractor
I get these all of the time, it is actually a opportunity to clean up many hazards and violations and give the customer a safer system. Use your electrical artistic ability to create a clean and safe picture. Challenges like this are always welcome, when you stand back and look at the difference you have a feeling of accomplishment.
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