I got more information on the 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom $500 basement wire job. I found out the homeowner already bought the boxes, receptacles, switches and bath exahaust fan. The contractor was only supplying the wire, breakers and misc. hardware.
Also the homeowner wanted the receptacles and switches installed during the rough-in. He was installing his own sheetrock and said he would work around them. He was going to install his own light fixtures and smoke detectors so there wouldn't be a need for the contractor to make a second trip for the trim-out.
I still wouldn't do this job for $500 though.
Pretty much every house around here has a basement. There's lots of work in finishing basements. The problem is it's worse than wiring new houses. At least with new houses you can't get away with not pulling a permit and having inspections done. Not the case with basements. Anyone and everyone will wire them whether they know what they're doing or not.
Worked on one the other day that was wired by an unlicenesed handyman. He mixed #12 with #14 on the same circuits and they were on 20amp breakers. He added receptacles in the kitchen by coming off the #12 20amp small appliance receptacles with #14. Tapped into the #12 wiring in the attic with #14 and had six flying splices in the attic.
He did the work for an elderly lady and she had no idea he had to be licenesed to do electrical work. Something he had failed to mention to her. She didn't know he was supposed to pull a permit when he finished her basement. He did all the work himself including the electrical and plumbing.
Somehow she found out and hired me to inspect all the wiring and fix any problems I found.
She's having a new roof installed with some skylights that will have lights in them. The roofer told her they would just tap into some existing wiring to wire up her skylights for her. She asked me if I thought this would be ok.
I'm going back next week to wire the skylights for her.